4th edition, 26-08-2020
7000.05058, 4th edition, 26-08-2020
Product description
Product variants
The following product variants are possible:
Motion Control System with axial cable outlet
Motion Control System with radial cable outlet
In addition to the cable outlet, the following communication interfaces can be selected:
RS232 and EtherCAT
The following motors are available for selection for each product variant:
3242 BX4
3268 BX4
3274 BP4
Depending on the motor, interface and cable outlet selected, the installed length and/
or height of the MCS will vary. Details can be found on the respective product data
sheet or in the relevant dimensional drawing.
Depending on the application, additional shaft seals may optionally be installed in the
base drive, which have to be maintained at regular intervals.
When combined with attachments (e.g., gearboxes) or for enhanced motor protection
an additional seal (O-ring) to enhance the protection class is optionally available (see
chap. 3.4.3, p. 14, chap. 4.1.2, p. 17 and chap. 5.2, p. 39).