and operation
C P C 3 0 7 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 2 F a s t w e l v . 0 0 6
bits 6-2:reserve
bit 1: 0 = set IDE controller mode according to Setup settings,
1 = set SD Card mode regardless of Setup settings
bit 0: 0 = use the current Setup parameters during booting,
1 = set the default Setup parameters at booting.
Writing test flags.
Input: AL = 0Fh
BX = 0ABCDh (key)
DX = new value of test mode flags
Output: AX = result code (0
– no error)
The function changes the value of the test flags:
bit 7: 0 = normal mode (bit values 0 -1 have no effect), 1 = test mode
bits 6-2: reserve
bit 1: 0 = set the IDE controller mode according to the Setup settings,
1 = set SD Card mode regardless of Setup settings
bit 0: 0 = use the current Setup parameters during booting,
1 = set the default Setup parameters at booting.
----------------------------------------------------------- BIOS update BIOS update for module versions lower than 4.
The BIOS backup mechanism for module versions lower than 4.x allows you to remotely update
the main BIOS copy without the risk of the module malfunctioning if the update fails (in case of a
power failure, invalid BIOS image file loaded, etc.).
The current versions of the BIOS image files for the CPC307 module are available on the network
file servers of the manufacturer and the official distributor, and are also provided upon the relevant
request to the manufacturer's technical support service.
The main BIOS copy is stored in the parallel FLASH chip connected to the ISA bus - the
AM29F040B-55EF, 4MB Flash Memory chip.
The backup copy is stored in the FLASH memory integrated into the Vortex86DX SoC and
connected to the SPI interface. The backup copy is designed to restore a damaged main BIOS
copy (e.g., if a BIOS update attempt fails).
When updating BIOS with the use of the integrated console I/O (paragraph
5.2.3 Remote Access
(Configuration of Console I/O settings), please note that after image update and
reboot, optimal (factory default) BIOS Setup settings will be loaded. If the module is rebooted from
the upgraded to the previous BIOS version, the optimal (factory) BIOS Setup settings will also be
loaded. In both cases, the console I/O settings will be changed to the factory settings (mode
Redirection After BIOS POST = "Boot Loader"). Therefore, if you want to use the integrated BIOS,
you must enter BIOS Setup each time you boot up the module during the BIOS update procedure
and set the required settings for the console I/O and BIOS as a whole. It is allowed to use the
console I/O by means of the OS so that you don't have to change the BIOS Setup settings every
time, which will simplify the procedure of updating the both BIOS copies.
To update the main and then the backup BIOS copy it's necessary to install the jumper XP21 and
not to install jumper XP26 (see paragraph
4.3.20 Configuration jumpers