Step 6 – Set Up Weight Distribution
Tools Needed:
• Measuring tape
• Pencil
Good weight distribution is a critical component of the e2 trunnion hitch setup. To ensure proper
weight distribution, measure the front fender of the tow vehicle three times in different vehicle
1. Measure without the trailer coupled.
2. Measure with the trailer coupled with the spring arms unattached.
3. Measure with the trailer coupled and the spring arms attached.
For best accuracy, measure both the driver and passenger fenders and use the average of these
two measurements for the calculations. (Figure 17)
Weight Distribution Calculation Table
Weight Distribution Setup Table
Front Fender Height
A Uncoupled from trailer
B Trailer coupled and on hitch ball without
weight distribution
C Fully hitched up with weight distribution
30 ¼”
Calculated weight distribution: 100*(B-C)/
Target Between 50-100%
A –
Measure from the ground to the bottom of the tow vehicle driver side front wheel well and
record the distance on line A of the weight distribution calculation table. (Figure 18)
Measure from the ground to
fender through the center-
line of the axle.
Figure 17
Figure 18