500.5 Automatic Timer Control (if equipped)
The automatic timer control does not require any routine maintenance. Check periodically to verify that
the board is operating properly and the user-defined settings have not been tampered with. Dirt and
moisture can damage the timer board. Check the enclosure periodically to ensure that no condensation
is forming on the inside and that dust has not collected on the circuit board or inside the enclosure. Refer
to Appendix C, D, or E for additional information regarding the Automatic Timer Control.
500.6 Cleaning and Repair
The external and internal surfaces of the unit should be treated as any other painted metal surface
subject to corrosion. Examine the unit for any damage to the surface coating and repair as necessary.
Keep the external surface clean to prevent the possibility of hidden damage occurring. Periodic
application of a quality automotive wax will prolong the life of painted surfaces and make them easier to
500.7 Inspection Log
An inspection log should be maintained to assure that a proper maintenance routine is followed. The
following page is an example of a commonly used inspection log. Copy and use this inspection log or
contact Farr, Customer Service Department (1-800-479-6801) for a copy.