To select and change the system language. It supports English, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch.
File Sorting
To select and change the file sorting method. The sorting method contains: A to Z, Z to
A, Recent date, Oldest date.
Auto Start
You can turn Auto Start on/off. While Auto Start is set to on, your player will play the
media files in your storage device automatically next time when you reconnect your
storage device. The Auto Start method contains: All, Photo and music, Photo and video.
Restore to factory settings.
Main Page
Back to the main setup menu.
3.2 Video Setup
This section allows you to configure the video settings.
TV Mode
To set the ratio of the TV display
TV Type
To set the TV system
To set the video output mode: 480i/576i, 480p/576p, 720p, 1080i
Divx Subtitle
You can turn subtitle on/off
Subtitle Color
You can select the color of the subtitle
Subtitle Background
You can select the color of the subtitle background
Main Page
Back to the main setup menu
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