Fält Communications 2016 ©
162187 Manual Fältcom ECII® Flex V024D 2016-02-23
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obtained in alarm input 2. The push button in alarm input 1 is filtered. When the signal in
alarm input 2 changes to closed the alarm input 1 will be activated and alarm calls are possi-
ble. Please note that there is a 30 second override on the alarm input even though it is fil-
Setting of alarm input 3 (AUX)
This input is of open/closed character and can be used for a filtering signal, technical alarm or
an emergency alarm. It is configured as follows:
X is either
0 = Normally Open
1 = Normally Closed
Y is either
0 = Emergency alarm
1 = Technical alarm
2 = Filtering signal
Alarm input 3 is activated as N/O emergency alarm by default, and can be changed by:
From keypad:
< X >
< Y >
From phone:
< X >
< Y > #
Function is deactivated with:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 022 #
Please view document Flex I/O description for information on what pins to use.
6.9 Test of alarm reception
After a finished installation Fältcom highly recommends testing the programmed alarm re-
Test of Alarm Receiver 1
When this sequence is programmed the Fältcom ECII® Flex calls Alarm Receiver 1 after
leaving programming mode.
From keypad:
It is also possible to leave programming mode manually and press
the alarm button in the lift car and check that the alarm reaches alarm
receiver 1.
From phone:
001 #
Test of Alarm Receiver 2
When this sequence is programmed the Fältcom ECII calls Alarm Receiver 2 after leaving
programming mode.
From keypad: