SRD Integral Swivel Eye
Web Lifeline
Leg End Connector
External Shock Absorber
Dorsal D-ring on FBH
SRD Body/Housing
Figure 4:
Attaching Single-leg Mini to Anchor
Twin SRL Installation to Full Body Harness
: Twin-leg SRLs may be installed through the straps of a full body harness or through the built-
in attachment tunnel of a full body harness. Installation for Single-leg configuration of the DuraTech Mini to an anchorage or anchorage
connector follows the steps listed below. See Figure 5 below.
MSRD07 Rev F
1. Prepare Twin-leg SRL for Attachment
3. Reinstating 2nd SRL Unit
4. Closing and Securing
2. Prepare FBH and Preliminary Attachment
1. Prepare Single-leg SRD for attachment:
Open the Alignment Clip from the reverse side by
pushing on the top ears
to release and
allow clip to rotate
downward; next,
rotate to one side one SRD unit and
the clip then open the triple-lock gate on the Carabiner and
remove the other SRD unit.
Allow gate to close.
3. Reinstating 2nd SRD Unit:
Now rotate the Carabiner and Alignment Clip 1/4 turn to the horizontal position; while keeping
slack in the web loops, the gate and clip will end up positioned below the loops.
Keeping the
Carabiner horizontal, rotate the SRD unit away from the gate and slide the Alignment Clip off and
away from the gate as well.
Open the Carabiner gate and insert the nose through the swivel eye
of the second SRD unit then allow the gate to close to capture the second SRD.
Next, reposition
the Alignment Clip back onto the gate.
2. Prepare FBH and Preliminary Attachment:
Lift the Dorsal D-ring to the up-pointing position then loosen
the intersection of the two web straps that pass through the
D-ring slot to create slacked loops of about 2” or 3”.
With only
one SRD unit still connected to the Carabiner, reopen the gate
and insert the nose
of the Carabiner into the two intersecting
slacked loops;
allow the gate to close while the Alignment
Clip remains positioned on the gate only.
4. Closing and Securing:
With the Alignment Clip on the gate, rotate the
clip upward; then tightly pinch the two web straps
together and insert between the ears of the clip
and snap the ears to the body of the Carabiner.
Lastly, remove the slacked loops from the
intersecting web straps by pulling up through
the D-ring slot and the D-ring holder. Check the
gate for full closure and the Alignment Clip to be
securely snapped to the Carabiner body. Don your
FBH and adjust as needed for proper fit.
Figure 5:
Attaching 6’ Mini Twin-leg SRL to FBH