Fairchild 74-13A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 74-13A

Страница 1: ...odulc ir dodgncd for urc with lhc Foirchild Typc 766H Srriot Orcillorcopc lnrcrt lhir lrtonuol into thr Undcr you rocrivcd wllh tho Typc 766H Sorior lnrtnrdion Mqnuol fl rl t N aroa t lra FAIFIEHILE INSTRUMENTATION 0 torlt ar ttaca clttTox x r 07ota liii tir lllu rccr ro rld hir rr nt Ccrp f_ ...

Страница 2: ...2 4 4 4 5 4 6 7 4a 4 9 4 10 l l TyPe 74 l3A Delaying Sweep Time 2 la TyF 4 13fi Function of Controls and Connectors Base PluEln me 74 l3A Ft z lb TyPc 4 l3A Function of Controls and Connectorc 2 2 TvDe 74 l3A Normal Display 2 5a Tft 74 l3A Triggered Strobe Display Checlins SweeP Calibration Ct rin Trig5ier source and Polarity D laY Calibration che NDT Gare Out Ch ct 4 2 Pagc r 2 2 2 Cnecrini Nofra...

Страница 3: ...unctional Block Diagranr Simplified 3 2 3 4 rrplified Tiuring Delayed Arnred Diagraur for Display Figurc 2 8 Pulse Width 2 9 Pulse Width Tialc Measuremenb Measurenrents Using Circuit Functional Block 3 13 3 12 54 5 7 5 E 5 r 5 2 5 3 6 l 3 12 Horizontal Deflection Anrplifier _ Func tional Block Diagram Right Side View Showing I ransisrors and A djustrrrens Left Side View Showing Transistors Nuvisto...

Страница 4: ...section I technicol summory f i t j il DEI AYID colrPt e cufrot f t l 2 Figutc l 1 fype 74 l3A Calibtoled Deloyiag Sweep Plug la ...

Страница 5: ...g ab breviations are employed to describe the dual tine base delaying sweeps Dercription The NDT sweep rettrs to Normal Sweep operation and Delaying Trig gered operation i e the delaYed sweep starts immediately after the delay pick ofi trigger is generated l he DA sweep refers to Delayed Arrrred operation i e the delaying sweep NDT generates a delay pick oft trigger which anns the DA sweep An inpu...

Страница 6: ...ion This normol izes the plug in to the CRT of the Moin Frome qnd ovoid hoving to reset ihe iniensity conirol when obrerving strobed disploy modes l 4 SWEEP MODES Normol Sweep Operotion Conveniionql rweep disploy lnlernolly or exiernolly opplied trigger signols drive the NDT lime bose circuil Deloyed friggered Strobe Deloying rweep disploy showing lhe deloyed swcep or o brightened reclor The deloy...

Страница 7: ...o 10 1 qttenuqtor is provided to extend the dc level ing copobility to t100 volts dc Trigger Level A ronge of i l 0 volis nominol with respeci io ground on exiernol lriggering technicol summory section I Trigger Slope Selection of positive or negotive slopes on lnternol Line or Externol triggering is ovoilqble ine Trigger Line frequency triggering con be selected in either poloriiy ond the irigger...

Страница 8: ...l or ony ponion oI th rwcap to withio iwo divirion of rcrqGn caniar lnFul Connaclot x A lp froni ponal conna ror i providcd ro parmil Boom Porillon lndltoloru usc ol lhc horizonlql dcfloclion omplifior for X Y Two indicqlor lonpr orc locotrd on th tront pqnrl dirployr DA EXT TRIG connccto tGrvc thit duql to qlad th op roior or lo the dircciion of tho Lcom purporel whan ii ir poritioncd off lhc rcr...

Страница 9: ...e rived from ihe waveform at the input to a circuit the tirrre relationship and phase of the waveforms at each 1 oint in the circuit are cornpared to the inPut signal by the displayed waveform When a stable external triggering signal is avail able it is possible to observe and accurarcly measure jitter of the displayed waveform with respect to the trigger input signal This is not possible when the...

Страница 10: ...gs r o X Ahpli6 r Input on Irifff S l cl o lidt rit h 13 for lh D Ard d 5 p GAIE otpol oi id it ilh rh DA Sw 9 2 5V 500l SAW o lput coin id nt with rh NDT 3w p 25V l0 I GA IE ouiFl t oin id nl wiih rh NDT Sw p 2 5V 500 Trigg r S l tor did wiiGh6 13 lor lhc No nql o d D loring _l IlI ul me s0utct I l cllt r6flu t I nttri0 rUIO S clnoi i u st Xt STAI onhol im vs nld6vn dnd il tffhi li s I if i J ff ...

Страница 11: ... VERNIEI con l ol d t riin lh on rc dirlonc frcm th no nol rwep orr ot which rh dcloy d wcp ir ilh l ig g r d 6r om dr tun lioh dr on a ordl d loy Eultipli r vh n r d eilh lh DA Dtut TIORIIAL AITD DEI AYII G IRIGGTRII O PU l txT id Int J NOr OA Trl4E DrV S l ror rit h s lnobt noy b rctoi d l og th r or th DA tw p lnob con b di ngog d ond rot l d porot iy con c nric knob provid r Y mi r 3wccp opcro...

Страница 12: ...epetition rate triggering signals 2 4 When using the DC mode the Trigger COUPLING switch is set to DC When using internal source the trace always starts at the sarne point on the Scale for a given setting of the Trig LEVEL control regardless of the vertical positioning c ACF Coupling The ACF rnode is a special high frequency lbrrn of the AC urode and is used to reject low freqr rency components in...

Страница 13: ...rploy u i g NOR IAL r p t l th conlrok ro rt o rhorr ond p rforn ih nu6b r d tt p in r qu nc Ul lhc ro n proc dur h n difii ulry L r p i n d in obtoining o ditpl6y Thir will lini not o lp r l6 b1 ds l o nhoiignm nl ol 6 i t I ffi a fa a o S t rully NORM S t ASIIG TOCUS NIINSIIY con kolt ro ccnl r of to 5 nSEC S r vElNlEl tully actUNE Ihc IIME O V clukh d knoba or nsos d wh th ot h o th pl6ri rlirt...

Страница 14: ...iol to a Ih ponion ot th dirploy b rw n 4 o d 6 dlviion ol ih tqd ot rh NoF nol Sw p hould b b ighl r ihon ift r t ighr ll 6SEC Ih inr ro 5 nstlc m6inm fir NOIE Th on nr o d l y o c ri t lrci rh oFplicorion of rh rrigg rins rienal cnnl th D iot d lr p ri rt i indi ot d di c y by h nine ol rh NDI IIME D V rikh lplorti rkiri ond DEL Y VElNlEt diol h rhit inrronc rh NOT v p rcr ot 5 nse Div i mulripl...

Страница 15: ...d Sr p r pr nb a r ction ot lii lstrob l ithin ft nom t r dirploy cnd thit l lio moy b xp nd d to fu o1 ll c rh d loy d p p not b co rid r d or o colibrot d no ifi d r dio of ih NDT 3y p Ih nordifi otion ado my 5 pr6r d NDT Sw p lot DA Sw Gp ot 5 nSEC D V r thr rnr6n w h 5 r dEc Dtv Figwe 2 3b fypc 71 l3A Deloyed tfiggered Disploy 2 7 ...

Страница 16: ... conti l otion of lh iniliol r t P oI tigur 2 3b S l rlt onlrcl 6dlY or han ond p rforn lh nunb r d tt tr In n odili INIENSITY tSTlOlO i r dily figvte 2 1a fypc 74 l3A Armed Slrcbe Disploy atntD to t I DI AYED ac t LlNl isht ll SECI n ing io 5 mSEC Adiurt OeAY VEI Nl t 6ntrol l o ob 2 8 ...

Страница 17: ...d th O loy d Sy p do noi tort pr ir ly ot iic d ldy riD indi at d by th opdqtor but inn 6d i inifior d by th n rt ruilqbl ki99d lollo iig th d lny int Ml Sin lh rw p i trigg r d by ih inpul lignol iirt r i liminot d froi iha di5ploy v n iholgh it i inhlr nl in th inpui Figvre 2 4b lype 74 l3A Armed Deloyed Dizploy 2 9 ...

Страница 18: ... and the Delayed TINIETDIV switch 2 to is set for a higher sweep rate than the NDT TINIE DIV switch a portion o the sweep tnay be brightened See Figures 2 3a and 2 4a The start of the brightene t portion Strobe irrclicates the start of the Delayed Sweep ancl the length of the strobe inclicates the Delayed Sweep cluration The start of the stroh uray be positioued left or right with the DELAY VERNIE...

Страница 19: ...e set up for operoting instructions section 2 single sweep presentation Thus by corlrnandilg but one stroke of the sweep at a tirne single sweep oper ation elinlinates the overlapping cause l by the nrul tiple traces and enables the display to be vie ed and or recorded clearly Single sweep operation is obtained by using the Delayecl Sweep in the Delayed Arrred rlo te Since the Delaye l SweeP is ar...

Страница 20: ... an electronic counter Since the pcl io l of the gate outpnt is a direct neasure of total sweep tinre it is possible to use this oscilloscope in conjrrncrion u ith a corrnter to cligitize the tiure duration of input signals Use of rhe TIttE DIV anrl the V RI BLE controls rtill perruit the operator to rlisplav the rvavetbrn to lrc nreasurecl over the entire srveep Tirling accuLacies of I l arr in l...

Страница 21: ...istance neasured in step 6 by the distance rneasured in step 7 and multiply the quotient by 3ti0o The resulting product is the phase difference between the two sine waves See Figure 2 7 phase shift difierence a f loo REPETITIOII RATE OR FREOUE ICY IN CYCLES SECOIO EOUALS IHE RECIPROCAL OF operoting instructions section 2 11 Figurc 2 7 Phore 5hift l eosuremenrr 2 I5 PUTSE WIDTH IAEASUREMENTS USING ...

Страница 22: ... be defrned as small incremental variations in pulse spacing in a pulse train For ex aurple assuure a normal pulse train is displayed on the screen and it is desired to check a small pulse in the train for jitter to check proceed as follows BRIGHT q lst DEIAY VERNIER Reodins Ai b q 7 65 3 15 1 2O Pelse width lAr NDT TIME D v sefting 11 201 2 mSECI 8 4 mSEC PULSE JITTER HOR 0EFL rX 0rV I OA TrME o ...

Страница 23: ...rom an external source through the EXT TRIG front panel connector 2 in INT position the signal is derived from the Y Plug in unit and 3 in LINE position the signal is tapped from one sirlc o the 6 5 VAC heater circuit 4 choice of AC ACF or DC coupling is provided by the Irigger COUPLING switch In the AC posi tion the trigger signal is applied to a high pass frlter consisting oI C8203 C8205 and R82...

Страница 24: ...uit description Isor c l F orr l I rnrccra I I rn cm I laveur a I ls era I Figvn 3 lo NDt friggot Citcuit Funclional Elock Diogtam Fo r c l F o rl 3 2 Figurc 3 l b DA fdggcr 8 X tnptt Citcui Functionol Block Diogrom ...

Страница 25: ...or in the same direction A flow of current is required into the charging capacitor if the voltage across this capacitor is to change The charging current urust flow through the charging resistor The time required to change the voltage across the charging capacitor delermines the sweep time The positivc voltage swing on the opposite side of the timing capacitor tentls to prevent the grid si te lror...

Страница 26: ...rivibrator until the sweep retrace interval is conrplete l and the saw r everrs to its luiescent srate at the left harrd side 3 4 uxsLArxr 6 s Gna 3 lo cnT BElr clirxG MILLER INI GRATOF a FE6rl Figurc 3 2 Normo Sw ep ltlode Fuoctionol Block Diogrom of the screen The trigger coupling dio te CR8205 prevents trig gers fronr rlisturbing the sweep gare Drultivibrator dtrring all o the sweep lbrwarrl in...

Страница 27: ...T lll to oaaYll swp riufi oailo6 a oa207 twant nurn lo ilmrl coiofirox oorru lr nlooa r lra oar ar oa20a oaanNo CAL AI 62ota DE Ylr lwE rrv va3 rt3t nf ra sAW d ltut r Va to4t to iotl zorfrat oaltldr AlrtuEa ur r cxo rrGE To aEAril oaf rcnoi nrlt oa cll oll al lr t6 r rsa rot r lrala llaNltt l t at caaat a raaat OUAI tl Ca atAXIll rG O it L crr carlrooC atlxx RCcnoNl figure 3 3 fiming Diagrcm tot ...

Страница 28: ...ggeted Strobe rl ode Functionol Slock Diogrom receives its trigger signal later rom the delaying sweep The triggering signal for the delayed sweep in this rnode is derived from the delaying sweep at the exact initant this sweep reaches a level determined by the adjustnrent of the delay pick ofi circuit This ttrode frorrr now on will be referred to as the delayed triggered rnode The Norural antl De...

Страница 29: ...ro oart Al oaror4 oaaYD sw rurn DrvI5 oa rflrt DaaY icr or oeatat t oa YD twE x4t I At cratoT r oq Evlo tlolr r DI c tl itoa n ua ar o ra r El lDrrvDr aY o Il rroii Avto lwu l rltl iDt YE l raAl l B Figurr 3 5 Simplilicd fiming Diogtom lor lriggorcd Strobe Dirploy 3 7 l ...

Страница 30: ...rom the delay pick ofi circuit triggers the arming multivibrator This action unlockilhe diode and opens rhe trigger circuit to the delayed sweep making it possible for rhe nexr appropriate triggering signal to initiate the delayed sweep In this nrode of operation the delayed sweep does not start precisely ar rhe delay tiure indicated by the DELAY VERNIER and NDT TINIE DIV control settings but inst...

Страница 31: ...xrcga 06lYp rnNol srcx r o r YE 6rE wE ol ln rAl orra Dauve 5w urn L 3 9 circuit description section 3 urlt r ro 5r6i a I cit aElr Glrrxc lo aLrrlrric rolll Figute 3 6 Dcloyod friggctcd filodc Funclionol Block Diogam Figutc 3 7 Simplified fiming Oiagrdm tot Deloyed friggored Ditploy ...

Страница 32: ...he base of enritter foll6wer Og30 l via the DISPLAY LOGIC switch 3 to The POSITION control supplies a nranuallv adiust able dc voltage ro the base df qeSOf for positioiing hg d pl y on the screen For the Type 705 Series i PATTERN POSITIONING controi is mounted on the front panel of the Main Frame and it is electri cally coupled to rhe POSITION control of both the X and Y Plug ins This feature perm...

Страница 33: ...lltctFaltatE tl Dlc Eoa ot DllaYo ltwle GAft tavirli al 6 rv to tl r at cotaDllroN OA YS sWE lulltLlt lttooo Ar ct6ro ANoor DEarvE Eon DeAYeAt ED ayltt orrDur to HO ZOa tAt l rufi a vato a stlolt t na at o oo2 I m6r x DatvEN tY O lt nora DG taYED SWEtt Uln aato6t DEIAYINC twea uMtlNrstc circuit description section 3 i j DAAYE AT E I I swtE rurN oN Figute 3 9 Simpliliad fiming Diogrcm lor Deloyed A...

Страница 34: ...I I fii F I section 3 circuit description Figurc 3 lO Dcloycd Armed Modc Fuactionol Slock Diogrcnr ur llAllr r c srcnll I lo ciT aEAr 6rriro oElrra0 llxEo sr E ro ioirzotlar oEFl ael oi 3 12 Figurc 3 12 Horizontol Deltecrion Amplilieq Fvnciriooot gloc Diogrom ...

Страница 35: ...fnacl m oEtaYlD rclott t ocaa aT c aroa rrcotrs A116 flJttl h I lI D 6 xour I I lL octaYloAari F swcat rutN oft GAr Oa lo3a ut rocls couRrNG olooc cralor lErA frNG r ll NEXI SUIIA I I ITloGEl IO Al T I swttt atso U BAN rNc c ra al DaraYao sw r GAr tlvlt li rlt lo av ro rNriAr coNoltloN rurN oil 9GNAr to oaaYEo SWEtr furt oaroa e orroT otuYEG fiao sw r outrw ro HOTEONTAT AMPtlfl Ct VBtOa 3 13 ...

Страница 36: ...rument for NORMaI sweep Sweep accuracy is checked by counting the positive peaks in tlre centered 8 division portion of the CRT scale Make sure the UNCAL larnp is oft and refer to the following Sweep Check Calibration Chart for addi tional data All measurements indicated in this chart should fall within 0 25 division of the 9 division marking 3 Repeat checks for the DELAYED TRIGGER position 4 3 CH...

Страница 37: ...e within tl div Nore Be sure that the Positioning and Trigger Leveling settings are not disturbed during this check 6 Center the pulse when the dial is set to 9 8 div Turning the DELAY VERNIER dial back to 0 8 div should bring the pulse back on screen within i2 div from the center line 4 6 NDT GATE OUT CHECI l Set DISPLAY LOGIC switch to NORM 2 Apply the NDT GATE signal to the input connector on t...

Страница 38: ... is positioned ofi screen to the right and convenely the left indicator is lit when the display is positioned ofi screen to the left Both beam pocition indicators should be ofi when beam is positiored on screen 4 IO AUTO IRIGGERING AND HF SYNC CHECK l Set the DISPLAY LOGIC switch to NORM and the Sweep Mode toggle switch to NORM 2 Apply a l0 cps signal sinusoidal or any other waveform to the input ...

Страница 39: ...inues after substitution it can be safely assumed that the defect is in the Nlain Frame There is no simple way of locating roubles An understanding of the functions of the circuits is the best help With an understanding of the circuit oper ation it will be possible to make a good guess at the general source of troubles from the symptoms As an aid in trouble shooting this unit refer to the func tio...

Страница 40: ... in is removed rom the Main Frame To gain access to the chassis simply unscrew the knurled thumbscrew at center bottom of unit and pull it free of the Main Frame WAINING WHEN THE PANELS OR PLUG INS ARE RE MOVED FROM THE INSTRUMENT FOR SERVICING EXERCISE CAUTION WHILE THE POWER IS ON The lower voltage busses are potentially more dangerous than the cathode ray tube potential because of the high curr...

Страница 41: ...sitioning control until the voltage reals zero or less than r n volt on the 2 5V scale 5 Connect the Voltmeter from P8001 pin I or pin l7 to ground Set to 250V scale 6 Adjust R8339 X AMP LEVEL porentiometer to 89 volts i lV Make sure that the measurement does not introduce any oscillation in ttre X Amplifier 7 Caretully rlisconnect meters NORM LINE CAL 2 Adjust the NDT SWEEP LENGTH potentio ureter...

Страница 42: ...rimmer C8ll9 for a flat top display 7 Set the Square Wave Generator to I Mc and adjust oscilloscope conrols for a 2 cycle pattern on the screen 8 Center the pattern and adjust its amplitude the iame way as was done in step 5 9 Adjust rrimmers C8309 and C83t7 until best flat top and rise time its achieved 5 4 10 Pull out the PULL X10 magnification contr ol and reduce square wave amplitudi to give p...

Страница 43: ...n and DISPLAY LOGIC switch to TRIG DLY D 5 Position the disptay so that the pulse is bisected by the vertical center line 10 05 division 6 Advance the DELAY VERNIER dial to 5 8 divi sion Be sure that the Pooitioning and Trigger LEVEL settings are not disturbed 7 Adjust the DELAY CAL potentiometer R8614 so that the pulse is again centered 0 05 division 8 Back off DELAY VERNIER dial to 0 8 division ...

Страница 44: ...ion 08301 c8303 c8309 i86tr i o t83r r xt0 r TEOO5 Gn 08305 06306 R80r 2 t8263 NDI Swp c8606 i8t 75 o a o8r07 rD u l x8t 59 o R8100 OA IiE I r l 6 tEt05 o t823a NOI II 861 5 6 Figwe 5 l Righr Side View Showing fron3ittort ond Adivslmenlz ...

Страница 45: ...mointensnce qnd recolibrotion section 5 oSaol y r l cl F L I ir ll lLr Figure 5 2 l eft Side Viaw Showing fronrirtorr Nuvistors ond Adiurtmenls 5 7 ...

Страница 46: ...section 5 mointenonce ond recqlibrotion lar iz I X A6pl Hi I r 5 8 Figurc 5 3 fop View Showing froaristots ond Adivzlments ...

Страница 47: ...oE lPull xl0l a50l 2302 NC I 4501 245 lt lcRoDtat Y nie 4501 0a30 SwlTCH 0503 2150 0tm stc I RTAT AI B I TI AYI IG TRIGGERII G Lfytt lt l0 PUTI tII E DTI AYTD ARilTt ul Tn6 t ica I k Unt sl c I r ocrc io ti t ll0 uncl Tlllt 0lV I I EUSHtNC 30r 3581 XNOB Stirl a50l 27tt NO8 150t 2261 JACX lP 0905 6700 INDICATOI I AIAP r 200 3960 tl lrftnG JI T so xfi n I r xNoE Stob 450 2l t2 CUrl f t NoB a50l ol3l...

Страница 48: ...lt to L 2 v C83l a 0326 8080 plo rir 0 22 t to L l v C8315 0326 7860 plotri 0 1 pt il0t6 20Ov C8316 Oill5 2000 IOO pf t2o C83lZ 0326 9480 voriobh 9 35 pr lmY c8318 c83r9 O3t9 lO50 O O2 t t 1O 15OY C8 Ol lo c8 io3 o3l9 lo50 0 02 pt 60 10L 150Y cSa x c8405 0026 8a9O pdp r o l tlt 2O 2 Y 0327 l53O cl lrolyti 2 pt 1 r0 loov C8 tO6 0326 8060 plo3tic 0 1 rl tl0 40Ov c81O 0319 1060 0 0r 4f 60 40 rsov c8a...

Страница 49: ...l ABD FC 8AI2N699B fct 9 1 pf IOOoY 27 pl l00OV 17 ot IOOOV 6toiric r tf tl0 l25v b oz t eo ro7 l5ov eh ri o l tt t l0 2 v 22OO Pr l0O 0 vori bl oir 9 35 Pl l00V l crrolyti lO rrl l0O lo 50v o or rr 60 4O l50v o o2 pr tfi 40 l5ov i o 22 el 5 L l lrolyli l0 Pl lO 75 SEiAICONDUCTOR9 diod FD84l diod lN37t7 diod FD8al diod FDG309I diod lN37I7 diodc fD8 ll diod tD8 al diod rOG309l diod FD28l diod FD8ll...

Страница 50: ...sl corpotitionr 30 l3K wiro wound 5 8K 1 t 2W voriobl conporilion loOK a2o 2w lttlc BAU 0107 27ll voriobl wir worrrd 2 5X i ro 2w swP vERNtEtl 0236 3190 wir wo0nd t 2K 110 lw 0234 8690 t00K 0203 1030 compo ition 20oK 0234 0690 r00x 023 4 8 450 lox 0203 2130 Gompo3irion lM tl0 0234 8030 180 0234 8 450 rox 0231 6t5O 75O t 2W 0228 7t3O 953 1 L 1W o23 t 8 410 9 t K 0203 ll70 conpo ilion 750X 0203 1940...

Страница 51: ...03 oZ tO ompo iiion t2X 0228 7120 19i 1 L 1w 023a 8 ar0 6 8K 0203 l00O compotition 360 0 31 a290 2 2K 0203 I05O ompo3iiion 2 40 0203 OO0O compo ition l0 023 a 8la0 5to 0203 0890 onporirior 5lK 0236 3150 360t 0203 0830 ompodlion 30X 023 a 8 110 6 8x o23a 8200 2 2K 023 a 8l lo 510 0236 7310 19 9X t t 0203 0000 orporitio l0 0239 t359 430 2W 0235 0690 2 a 9l tt 0235 9600 2 a9X ar 0239 1359 0 2W 0234 8...

Страница 52: ...ORX 28601 88 2336 p oring AID section 6A electricol ports lists ond schemotics lx 6i n V rdo FEd Nunb r O r rlptlon 0109 O4tO yoiiobl onpo ltion 250 t2o 3w oEray zERol 0239 l37t 2 2K 2W 0235 1380 omp6ition l0O Y W 0231 8170 12K 023a 8a90 I5X 0236 7190 37 1K t 023 1 8710 l2oK 023 4 8560 3 X 0234 8280 2X 0236 3120 270K 023 4 l35o 3 9 0236 7or0 2 r 3X tr 023 4 83 2 aX 0235 7130 32 1K t t swtrcHES 58l...

Страница 53: ...eered and require no selectetl parts Two lists ot running spares are included to aid you in periodic rrraintenance The running spare parts lists include recornrnended quantities and reference symbol numbers Section 6A of this Instruction Man ual gives a complete listing of all components and their recomurended vendors so that you may readily procure thern frorrr a local supply house or your own st...

Страница 54: ... sl2it St30 3140 3150 stsl Nota Should a particular switch receive more than normal use in certain applications then the quantity stocked of that particular switch should be doubled d Illircclloneous The following items may be stocked in quantities of one lor each 2 units being maintained It5l3 n85t a 85t6 R85r7 R8602 t8608 x860t t86la t86t6 e8617 Burhing sholl torl Nuilr 430t 0033 a30l 358r 4501 ...

Страница 55: ... Groyhill ln GUO Ih Gud hqn ConPoiY HAM Th Hommorlund v onufocluring Co ln t gulotor Co l micq nold El clroni t l ttg Corporolion l lill r ElGClri Compony rlotorolo S mi o dudor Prods lt ln M O volve Compony tld Mucon Co porqlio Th tiul r Co pqny Ncw Yo t Trontforhcr Co npony lnc Ool Mlg Compony Phiko Corporolion Philipt El clronic Tub DiYition Ploiloid Corporolion Pott Erumficld ln Prcci on nclir...

Страница 56: ...I it is necessary to order a replacement compo nent from the factory always give the Type number and Serial number oI the Instrument Before order ing parts for in warranty replacement or purchasing them for out of warranty replacement be sure to consult the Parts List in the Instruction Manual The Parts List gives the values tolerances ratings and Fairchild part number for all electrical com ponen...

Страница 57: ...ll tl I ri ll tI i t i itl rlrul I I I l Ir i I t l rJ tEt l l la l l l t5t t3 Eit E trt EI l9l I l5l l al t t l I t l lEl ri ii ...

Страница 58: ... I sl t r oir TA t 9t I l l I l l t t hl l9l EI lll lEl B lEl l l lEl l5l l l l l lal li El lrl 13 I t t ta EE a8o tt iU l l ril ti rl rul ll ii r lilr il rii lEt li I l I lB l tr r r lEi i ioYr O i t l ii 5 Ll lli ...

Страница 59: ...It ir fi ll t t lr I I iir rdrill rlusl ti it It l rn l3l l l l l t1l I EJ ln lil i i ir ra ti i II ii tl i it r ...

Страница 60: ... _ El i TI ll tr I Ii ili l ul II Iiti ll iii E Irl Iil lil l l l lql LE i ii t t 1 l i i i tEl l l tPt lll B Bi Et E i i it z i i i BB l 9 iI o ...

Страница 61: ... Eii ii i i i rl iii t 3t l I Iiil t ii i t t ii i i itlr r 15 v iii r t it iii I I ilr I it II r ll rii l ilill r ittl ...

Страница 62: ... xDr lm D Il rA ssllofts B EEEEEE EEgEgB EBE LtET 6 oI EEgggEEE lBr It i t i rf r r 1 i t i t 4 i I i J ir ti _ l t t tgl I T ti B Ill E i II i aai i i i i 3 i it i r e t4 t i i ii EgBEEE HEEEEE t iI EgE BEEEEEEE ...

Страница 63: ... i i ri l t Et ltrl Ej i t3i irt I r li ii il t t it t t ii tl rn a I I It I I r I t iI n r itf rli li ll ii t tli r l f l o 3 j i ls 3 oI r o t I 1 r _ l I Liil t I li r 6 li 2 Y l l 1 ti I i I iil i r l r z t lr l i 4 r a lil i r t r r itit i r i l tit I6 o o o o lll ls l ...

Страница 64: ...te 2N3Ill Adal Q830 2500 3061 Selected 36A 2600 8540 DU 136A TYPE 74 03A TYPE 74 I1A TYPE 74 13A B PARTS LIST RSVISIONS Delete Adtd zeoo eoro DU 136 l zeoo eero DUI36A c scBEl ArIc CIiANGES on th follorlns schernatlcs make th6 chang s apecifladt sheet Nunber schematl c Type 7 03A Hor Defl AnPl Type 11A Hor Defl AmPl Type 74 13A Hor Defl A pl 3of4 5of7 5of Change Change De leto NOTEr 08307 type to ...

Страница 65: ...I5 2600 6910 Dlode FD8 11 0234 8380 RFF s LK L zW c 8CIIEUArIC REVISIONS on Schematlc oNormal Delaylng Sr reep Generatorn Sheet 2 ol 7 ln each of tha referenced manuals make the followlng changee t a Add capacitor c8509 51 pf from thE functl on ol Svnbol c8609 cR8214 R0l8 1 5t 5t R8607 R8604 to ground b Add cR82l4 t cR82l5 as Ehown ln Flgure 1 2 On Schematlc DA sweep Generator e strobe ckti Sh6ot ...

Страница 66: ... tor R825L 1 hown on il ll 2o5ll Schenatlc FIGURE 1 cR8 r R82 20 6704 7831 ECN 32 377 6hc t 2 ol 2 _Arri PD841 r 1 To R8181 sHr I ot 7 ln the Type 7l llA Sheet r BEIOSE AFTER UNBLNT GAlE TO cR82l5 SHT 2 TIGURE 2 ...

Страница 67: ...hln l0 dlv i0 2 dtv 2t In ch rt for ryrlle a 11A only changc the 1a3t refcrencod rlm ttrrk Goneiltor t tting lrou 5 gec uarker to 1 aGc arl tr antl the rohtcd nu er of Po ltive pulaea fron r thlng Da ta to 17 tlnlng narks 3 In Saotlon 5 under tha Faat Srecp Calibration paragraph chengr Step 11 to nad ag follors grt tha DtgDlAI LOGIC ewitch to r oRll and lep at thG ebovo proccdura All raaurernta ah...

Страница 68: ...f the above referenced manuals make the following change Syrtrbol Part Nunber Prom 08002 2500 73 0 To Q8002 2600 22L0 SCHEMATIC REVISIONS On Schenatic nsweep Generator strobe Cktn Sheet 4 of 7 in each of the above referenced manuals change the transistor type of Q8002 from DU 8A 2N6998 to 2N3723 Description DU 8A iN699B 2N372 3 C FAi Rep iutr s 3 1 3i INSTRUMENTATIO N rroI l0rvrs or 0f llrRcH L0 c...

Страница 69: ...04 3333 6701 3231 to renove X Y croer coupllng above refcrencod rntnuals D the Synbol R8 30 Description Conpotltion 1K Codc ALB trype EB on schenatlo trilE Drv srltcHr ahect I and schenrtl6 rtNELAtlxINC AI PLIFIER 8 for the lypcr 74 11A and 7rl 13A add Reslstor R8l 0 fron P800I 6 to ground of I lor thc lypr 7l 03A COMIECIORST sheet 7 of 7 a thorn belor 18001 P8001 tt ll I t e r nn l R8430 1r FAIFT...

Страница 70: ...8114 FD84I connectJ ng cathode end cathode of CR8l07 and anode to 08103 base 2 On SchematLc DEIayed Sweep A Generatorn sheet 4 of 8 ln tha Type 74 L7A manual make the followlng changet a Add capacltor c8410 10 pf between 08 06 Emltter and coll ector b At 08406 change reference iTo R8437r to read To R8438 c At R8489 change deslgnatlon of serieg connectea reslstor from R8437 to R8438 d Add dlode CR8...

Страница 71: ...306 Part nulber and description ag followa SROIr Synbol R8305 Part Nunber 010 2911 D scrlptlon Variable 15tr 10t lw c TO R8305 0107 SCIIEIIATIC REVISIONS On sch natic nEorizontal Danual change value of 2912 Variable 30K t0t 3 aW Deflection Anplifier for both referenced R8306 fron 15r to 30K FAIFTeHIt tr INSTRUMENTATION 570a 8251 Sheet I of ECN 32 478 l4t L L t r l orvrsroi or r rncHlLo cAtErA ario...

Страница 72: ...sed with the Type 79 02A 100 nz at 10 lrVlDIV p1ug ln F A RC XEE D INSTRU M ENTATIO Sactor l lll z 4 Feet 10 Meg 7pf I0 1 600v Dc Peak AC 120 MHz 2 8 nsec 5 nsec overall 9 Feet 10 Meg 13 pf 10 1 600v Dc Peak AC 63 UHz 5 6 nsec ns c Input Impedance as epecifled when used lrith bayonet ground clLp ani connicted to the TyPe 79 o2A I00 MHz DuaI race Plug ln or any other plug ln havlng a I megohm input...

Страница 73: ......

Страница 74: ...r3 TYPE qqtB E TqqqB SERTES lCantlnrrarll ...

Страница 75: ...tutlon stlll th6 prob6 ls removed from the circuit Thir sub8tltutlon stll squaiiz loading and restore the operatlng characterLstlcs ot tlie clrcult under obsorvatlon to the aame condltlona wh n Probc meaaurenenta w re nade t hen uslng the attenuator Probs to make amPlltude meaauretnontt multlply the observed arnplltude of the dt sp1ay by thc attonu tlon factor narked on tho Probe R for to paragrap...

Страница 76: ... probe by roEatinq tha lnnar probb aleevc assembly elther Ln or out untll th best porelblc lquaro wave response ls obtaLned as ahown Ln Pl gura 2a Once the correct probe adiustment la obtalned the adJust lng elaeve may be locked ln place by turnlng tha outcr cap houalng eee Flgura 3 up agalnBt tho 8leev I typE 29948 s 79998 SERIES Contlnued NOTE o e a Prop r adJustment b c Improper adjustment TIGU...

Страница 77: ...5 I p i l j n 1 1 L l M o H B LI rc o arr o rl t t t l a ...

Страница 78: ... I F Z E Lr J F o t I A x o E lrg 2 bt H E 4 t FI e r ci tl H O H H H s ll EI at o vf rJ a r lrJ co o o co UJ o c o IY fo_ o I a ts dts l l t Edryii Ll od a o rrrt t nG a Joh lfr 51 F gt t N6 t F 9 i l D o H L ...

Страница 79: ...x o o Z I l Z E trJ F 2a tr Co od 6 a a t H o e A fr o IrE E a E H H A c F A Ot gl Ol F H O E t H 4 t t EI o la E tr o H B o fr I o l l L N Ln o z d 6 trJ J o U F s q _n 6i D o o co UJ 6 o 4E o U o Z 9 ...

Страница 80: ...9 11 t800 6132 3005 7 22 3005 7112 3005 8531 3600 5621 090a 4601 5028 9a3l 0905 9850 Pl ncer TIP t CouPllng AerenblY ortar ltain Housing Locklng Sleeve Cable AsamblY 799 8 Cabla AsaenrblY 79998 Intulated Hook TIP Inaulat d Iong N dl llP Sprlng contact fiP Inrulated Short Needlc TlP Alllgator CIIP Bayonet Gnd AdaPter AaacurblY Cabl Als nbfy Gnl Plug alP ttot llluttrat d ...
