The Tolerance is configured using the Software FLUODXConnect.
Measure Phosphorescence Intensity
The Phosphorescence is measured based on three time frames:
1. Wait OFF Time: Before switching on the UV light, the FLUO DX measures the base
Fluorescence of the sample.
2. Exposure Time: During the exposure time the sample is illuminated by a 365nm UV light of a
pre-defined power. The sample is charging. At the end of the Exposure Time the
Fluorescence is measured.
3. Cool Down Time: The UV light is switched off and the FLUO DX waits the Cool Down Time
before measuring the Phosphorescence. If the measured signal is zero, no phosphorescence
can be measured.
The time frames are configured using the FLUODXConnect Software.
Select a reference by pressing the key below the reference number.
Measure a sample.
The PH365 Value is the Phosphorescence measured after the Cool Down Time in relation to the
reference. The Ph365Ind is the ratio between Phosphorescence and Fluorescence.
You can measure up to 20 samples in one process.
Key A: Delete the most recent reading.
Key B: Positioning LED on
Key C: Terminate the measurement process and save data permanently using an Identification mark.
Key D: Exit