Trendline 3
Opens the
Delete measured data
Select the date and time for the start and end of the desired time range.
Click on
to deactivate the option and delete all data.
Click on
to delete the data for the period selected.
Please ob serve that the data will b e permanently deleted if you
click "OK" in the ab ove window and cannot b e restored! There is no
way of restoring the data!
4.12 Log file
In an internal protocol file (also called log file) are all system messages and
additional information on import and export operations are logged. If an error
occurs during Trendline or Detector operation, then an error message is
recorded along with additional information in an internal log file. You can use the
Trendline software to retrieve this log file from the Detector and then send it by e-
mail to our Support.
You can open a log file with a text editor or a word program.
Save log file of the Trendline software
Click on
Save Trendline log file
Select the saving location and
click on
Download log file from Detector
With the Trendline software you can download the log file from the Detector as