More detailed information on the viewer can b e found here.
4.10 Reset alarm status
In the system structure for each element the Trendline software displays whether
an alarm or pre-alarm was measured (also see "Main window
"). It may be
sensible to reset this alarm status if the cause of an alarm has been identified
and eliminated. The alarm status must be reset manually by the user as this
decision cannot be made by the Trendline software.
To reset the alarm status for a configurations element (e.g. machine or motor)
and the associated sub-elements, click on the element in the system tree.
Then click
Alarm Status
Only the status display in the system structure is affected when the
alarm status is reset. The measuring data
status displays
remain unaffected.
4.11 Delete measured data
You can delete measured data for a particular time range in the database. In
doing so, the characteristic values (i.e. trend data) and the time signals recorded
during that period of time are deleted. To delete data follow the sequence below:
Left click the element in the configuration tree, from which you want to start
deleting data. All data relating to the measuring points of this machine are
deleted for the selected time range.
Click on
measured data
or right-click on this point and select
measured data