post bracket
handle post
ball rack
trampoline frame
adjustment knob
slide the post through
bracket here
ball rack can also be
mounted on this side of
angle of trampoline can be
adjusted by raising and
lowering the frame along
the post.
1. Slide the rebounder handle post through the trampoline frame bracket (insert the post from the front
side of the trampoline frame).
2. Align the handle post with the post bracket and bolt the two together.
3. Mount the ball rack onto the base. The rack can be mounted as shown or on the other side of the post.
4. Before using, position the frame bracket at the desired height and angle and tighten the adjustment
knob at that height.
Fabrication Enterprises Inc.
PO Box 1500
White Plains, NY 10602 (USA)
tel: 914-345-9300 800-431-2830
fax: 914-345-9800 800-634-5370
Authorized CE Representative
28 Trinity Road
Nailsea, Somerset BS48 4NU (UK)
ver 4/11
Rectangular P.T. Ball Rebounder
• Great for upper body fitness programs using P.T.
balls (sold separately)
• Adjustable angle provides variation in training
• Returns the ball at angle, speed and force consis-
tent with throw
• Use to develop agility and range of motion
CAUTION: Exercise routines should be determined by a healthcare professional