Rigging a 1998 Ezzy Rev 5 Race Sail
1998 Ezzy
Power Race
Rev 5
Rigging &
Fine Tuning Guide
1) Slide the mast through the luff sleeve.
Note: slide the mast
above the cams (do not attach the cams to the mast yet).
2) Attach the mast extension and thread the line through the
cleat. Do not tension the downhaul yet, just cleat the line off.
3) Attach the boom and outhaul to the boom length that is
printed on the sail.
Quick Tip:
Attach your boom at, or below the center of the boom
cut-out to prevent the top of the boom cut-out from getting caught
on the boom while downhauling.
4) Attach the cams to the mast by pushing down on the batten
with the palm of your hand, approximately 12" (30cm) from
the luff sleeve, and snap the cam onto the mast with your
other hand.
Quick Tip:
If the cam is difficult to put on the
mast, check that the batten tension webbing is
loosened until the Velco touches the buckle.
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