Upgrading Extreme Management Center
Engine Software
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This starts the SNMP configuration script and allows you to make the required
Changing Date and Time Settings
To enable or disable NTP for engine date and time, or to manually set the date
and time on the engine, enter the following command at the engine CLI:
This starts the date and time configuration script and allows you to change the
Upgrading Extreme Management Center Engine
Upgrades to the Extreme Management Center engine software are available on
the Extreme Portal.
1. Download the Engine Image 64-bit upgrade file to your system.
To download an engine image:
1. Access the Extreme Portal at:
2. After entering your email address and password, you are on the Support page.
3. Click the Products tab and select ExtremeManagement.
4. Click ExtremeManagement in the right-panel.
5. Select a version.
6. Download the image and extract the file to a directory on your system.
2. Use FTP, SCP, or a shared mount point, to copy the upgrade file to the Extreme
Management Center engine.
3. SSH to the engine.
4. Cd to the directory where you downloaded the upgrade file.
5. Change the permissions on the upgrade file by entering the following command:
chmod 755 NetSight_Suite_<version>_install.bin
6. Run the install program by entering the following command: