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Instructions - video at exped.com
- When you arrive in camp, unroll and spread out the mat. Open valve, slide attached deflation pin into valve
to keep one-way-flap open and let the mat sit while setting up camp. As insulation begins to loft, some air
will be drawn into the mat, reducing inflation time.
- To speed the inflation process and avoid moisture accumulation inside your mat, your mat comes with the
versatile Schnozzel Pumpbag.
- Open the valve on the pump tube at the base of the Schnozzel Pumpbag and attach it to the open valve on
your mat.
- Now hold the Pumpbag open with one hand in the center of each stiffener of the bags roll-top closure.
In order to capture as much air as possible in the Pumpbag make an upwards movement and snap the
stiffeners shut. Roll over the stiffeners 2-3 times to prevent air from leaking out of the bag.
- Secure the web loop opposite the pumptube under your foot.
- To transfer air to your mat, press down on the pump bag while maintaining a tight seal on the roll-top
closure. As the pump bag deflates, gather the sealed top toward the mat until you reach the end and all
air has been transferred to your mat. Repeat the process until your mat is fully inflated (approx. 2 times
depending on mat size).
- Inflate to personal comfort level. The more you inflate the mat the firmer and warmer it will be. This is a
question of individual preference. Let comfort guide you. When done, detach the Schnozzel Pumpbag from
your mat and close the inflation valve on your mat. Sleep well!
Additional Notes:
- Do not inflate by mouth as this can lead to the accumulation of moisture inside your mat!
- Valve caps on the mat are most easily closed by pressing down with one thumb at cap hinge while walking
your other thumb around the edge of the cap.
- To release pressure in the mat while laying on it, open the inflation valve and press on the one-way flap
with your finger allowing air to escape, then re-seal the valve.
- You can also use alternative inflation aids offered by Exped, such as Mini Pump and Pillow Pump. The
connector tube called the Schnozzel works in combination with ShrinkBag, ShrinkBag Pro, Waterproof
Compression Bag or Waterproof Telecompression Bag for mat inflation.
Schnozzel Pumpbag in use as a waterproof compression packsack:
- The Schnozzel Pumpbag doubles as a waterproof packsack for your sleeping bag or spare clothing. Stuff
these items into Schnozzel Pumpbag, fold and roll the closure 3 times, and close the quick-release buckle.
Now press excess air out of the bag through the open valve on the pump tube. Close the valve on the
pump tube for a watertight seal. Before closing the valve lay the valve cap around the webbing loop creat
ing a handle which helps when pulling out the contents of your stuffsack.
- Other ways of using the Schnozzel Pumpbag:
-- as a shower bag when hanging off a branch or similar object
-- for carrying water (not intended for drinking water as materials have not been tested for drinking stand
-- as laundry wash bag: place your dirty laundry in the bag, fill with water, add detergent, seal the roll-top clo
sure and then move the “hand washing machine” around. If you happen to be by the sea, tie a cord to the
loop, anchor the other end on the beach and let the waves take care of the rest.
-- To reduce weight as a group only one Schnozzel Pumpbag is necessary to inflate the mats.
Use and Care:
- Use the mat stuff sack as a pillow by filling it with clothes. Cover with a fleece sweater for added comfort. If
you place pillow off the mat, it makes the mat longer providing enough length for taller sleepers.
- Mat converted to chair: check out Exped’s Chair Kit which provides luxurious seating in combination with
the mat and doubles as a protective cover.
- As “bed sheet” we recommend the Exped Mat Sheet or Cozy Sheet. These also feature loops that allow
the Exped sleeping bag Dreamwalker Uno for single mats and Dreamwalker Duo for double mats to be
attached directly to the sheet.
- Risk of suffocation for infants of age 0-15 months! lnfants have suffocated on inflatable mattresses. Never
place an infant 15 months and younger to sleep on an inflatable mattress.When used by children over 15
months provide at least a shoulder width space between mattress and walls or other vertical objects to
avoid entrapment and always keep mattress fully inflated when in use.
- Since the abrasive force of dirt is a fabric’s primary enemy, use mild soap and water to occasionally wash
the mat. Do not machine wash or tumble dry.
- Beware of exposure to heat: Do not expose an inflated mat to direct sunlight or heat sources. This may
cause the air to expand and put excessive pressure on the seams which could then fail.
- Keep mat away from sharp objects like thorns, corals, jagged stones or similar.
- Just like a bicycle tire, punctures can occur. For conditions or trips where a puncture is more likely, Exped
recommends the use of a closed cell foam mat (e.g. Exped MultiMat) for added durability, as a backup
mat and as a tent floor cover when not sleeping. As a protecting cover for the mat, check out Exped’s Mat
- Do not use mechanical air pumps. These can lead to excessive pressure and ruptured seams.
- Check valve periodically to ensure a positive seal. Debris can be removed with a damp cloth.
Deflation and Packing:
- Open the valve and slide attached deflation pin into valve to keep one-way-flap open.
- Begin at the foot end. With deflation valve open, roll the mat up loosely and kneel on the bundle to remove
most of the air.
- Unfold mat completely and re-fold lengthwise to match the mat’s stuff sack.
- From the foot end, roll the mat as tightly as possible, expelling all the air.
- Pull out deflation pin and close the valve.
- Slip rolled mat into the stuffsack.
- Be sure to store the mat unrolled with valve open in a dry and cool area e.g. under the bed.
- When storing your mat take care to keep it away from pets. Sharp claws and teeth kill mats.
Tips and Tricks:
- Moving the mat from a warm to a cold place can drastically reduce the volume of the mat. This may look
like a leak, but it is perfectly normal physics!
- When transporting a packed mat from lower altitudes to higher altitudes, Exped recommends leaving the
valve open. This will make the mat easier to remove from its stuff sack.
- For more information visit www.exped.com. Also check out the video for this product!
Gebrauchsanleitung - Video auf www.exped.com
- Nimm den Schnozzel Pumpbag zur Hand, öffne das Aufblasventil und drücke das Ventilteil am Ende des
Schlauchs des Schnozzel Pumpbag auf das Ventil der Matte. Halte nun den Pumpsack mit je einer Hand
in der Mitte der Versteifungsleisten. Um möglichst viel Luft im Pumppacksack zu fangen, schnappe mit
einem leichten Aufwärtsruck die Luft auf und lege sogleich die Versteifungsleisten zusammen. Falte diese
2-3 mal um, sodass die Luft gefangen ist. Fixiere die Gurtschlaufe gegenüber des Pumpsack-Schlauchs
mit dem Fuss, indem Du draufstehst oder draufkniest. Jetzt kannst Du die ganze Luft aus dem Pumpsack
in die Matte hineinpressen. Bist du mit den Händen am Boden angekommen, raffe jeweils den Stoff in den
Händen zusammen und drücke den Rest der Luft aus. Mit 2 Sackfüllungen an Luft ist die Matte aufgeblas
en. Nun ziehe das Sackventil vom Mattenventil ab. Sehr nützlich erweist sich die innere Einweg-Klappe
des Ventils, die verhindert, dass Luft herausströmt. Verschliesse nun das Matten-Ventil.
- Die gewünschte Prallheit der Matte nach eigenem Empfinden wählen. Je voller die Matte aufgeblasen ist,
desto wärmer und wenig schaukelig ist sie. Beides ist individuell verschieden.
- Um den Ventildeckel zu schliessen ist es am einfachsten, den Ventil-Deckel reihum mit dem Daumen in
die Fassung zu drücken.
- Um während des Liegens etwas Luft abzulassen, öffne das Ventil und drücke auf die innere grüne
Einweg-Klappe, dann schliesse den Ventildeckel wieder.
- Wegen Feuchtigkeitsansammlung die Matte nicht mit dem Mund aufblasen!
- Weitere Pump-Produkte von Exped, die verwendet werden können: Mini Pump, Pillow Pump oder den
Schnozzel gekoppelt ans Ablassventil eines der wasserdichten Säcke Shrinkbag, Shrinkbag WB, Water
proof Compression Bag oder Waterproof Telecompression Bag.
Gebrauch des Schnozzel Pumpbag als wasserdichter Kompressionssack:
- Der Schnozzel Pumpbag ist nebst Lufttanksack ein wasserdichter Packsack z.b. für den Schlafsack oder
die Kleider. Packe dazu diese hinein, falte dann 3-fach die Versteifungsleiste um und sichere diese, indem
Du den Blitzverschluss einklickst. Nun presse soviel Luft aus dem Sack wie möglich. Natürlich muss dazu
das Ventil am Schlauch offen sein. Am Schluss verschliesse das Ventilstück.
- Achte beim Verschliessen des Ventils darauf, dass Du den Ventildeckel um die Bandschlaufe herum legst
und erst dann diesen schliesst. Somit ist eine Sackgriff entstanden, an dem Du den Sack als Gegengriff
packen kannst, wenn Du den Inhalt hinausziehst.
- Weitere Einsatzzwecke des Schnozzel Pumpbags:
-- als Dusche, wenn an einem Ast aufgehängt.
-- als Brauchwassersack, aber nicht als Trinkwassersack, da die Beschichtung nicht trinkwassergeprüft ist.
-- als Kleiderwaschsack: fülle schmutzige Kleider ein zusammen mit warmem Wasser und etwas Seife,
schliesse ihn und, wenn Du am Meer bist, stelle ihn in die Brandung. Sichere zuvor den Griff mit einer
Schnur an Land, so dass er nicht davongespült wird. Die Bewegung der Brandung wirkt wie eine
Waschmaschine. Ansonsten bewege die ‘Sack-Waschmaschine’ eine Zeit lang von Hand.
- Bei mehreren Leuten reicht zur Gewichtsminimierung auch nur 1 Schnozzel Pumpbag.
Gebrauch und Pflege:
DOWNWINTER_7110 (DownMat HL Winter M, DownMat HL Winter MW, DownMat HL Winter LW, SynMat HL Winter M, SynMat HL Winter
MW, SynMat HL Winter LW, SynMat HL M, SynMat HL MW, SynMat HL LW)