For scrapping the machine, proceed according to provisions of law in force in the user's country. In
demolition phases (disassembly, transport, etc.) observe the safety provisions in the user manual.
Divide the various components of the machine by type of material, grouping them by:
- electrical and electronic components
- electric cables
- plastic materials (sheaths, sound-absorbent material, rubber ....)
- ferrous materials
- aluminium
- ceramic
- materials to be sent to authorised waste disposal companies (used filters)
The product or parts of it placed on the market after August 13, 2005, with this symbol (WEEE)
on the package, in the manual or on another part, is subject to Directive 2003/96/EC and to Lgs.
D. 151/2005.
This product cannot be disposed of as urban waste, but must be assigned to separate waste
collection. Any violation is penalised according to the current regulations.
Inquire about the methods established by local authorities for separate collection of electrical
and electronic products. The product can also be delivered to a dealer of a similar device at the
time of a new purchase and who cannot refuse the trade-in.
Incorrect disposal of the product, or improper use of said product or parts thereof is harmful to
the environment and human health. Correct disposal of products bearing the WEEE symbol helps
avoid any consequence for the environment and human health.