The XM9 has iT all --Big power handling, Big projecTion,
coMBine wiTh “UlTra hi-definiTion soUnd”. iT’s UniqUe design
offers sUperior perforMance in a enclosUre ThaT is sTill
ManageaBle and coMpacT. The eXile soUnd qUaliTy, forM
facTor, power handling and fiT and finish are Un-MaTched By
anyThing availaBle on The MarkeT Today. The XM9 inclUdes a
paTenTed “qUick release / roTaTional” claMping sysTeM ThaT
can direcT soUnd a fUll 360 degrees and fiTs virTUally any
BoaT Tower.
XM9 Owner’s Manual
Models: XM9
© 2011 Exile Audio • www.exileaudio.com
XM9 Owner’s Manual
XM9 conTenTs: 2 speakers / 2 claMps and MoUnTing hardware
power handling: 250w rMs / 500w peak
TweeTer: 26MM TiTaniUM diaphragM
effecTive cone area: 44.65” sq. (eqUivalenT To 9.1” Mid)
claMp To Tower fiT: 1 7/8” To 2 3/4”
direcT casT Tower MoUnT approved BoaTs: MaliBU, illUsion X, Xs,
Tigé alpha Tower, and cenTUrion (low profile MoUnT)
U.s. paTenT # 6,798,892 B2
feaTUres: swiTchfire User adjUsTaBle crossover TUning
injecTion Molded polypropylene cone
weaTher proof rUBBer sUrroUnd
Uni-MoUnT chassis asseMBly
adjUsTaBle coMposiTe grills.