Exalt Installation and Management Guide
ExtendAir (TDD) Series Digital Microwave Radios
Administration Settings Page
This page allows contains general parameters for the radio system. The Current Value column lists
entries actual settings. Desired changes are entered in the New Value column.
After all desired changes are entered, click the
button to accept and enable changes.
Figure 20 Administration Settings page
Most entries on this page are self-explanatory. The following lists unique or important parameters.
Fill in the date and time fields as soon as practical. Events are captured with time/date stamps,
which is valuable information for troubleshooting.
Set the Link Security Key to something other than the factory default setting (12 characters, all
zeros) at each end. The link security key must match at both sides of the link. If the security key
remains at the factory setting, the radio link is open to sabotage by a party with the same radio
model. Each link should have a unique security key. If using the same security key for every link
in the network, the radio could link to any other radio with the same security key. This is
problematic in multi-radio networks.
Note that the security key must be exactly 12 characters. Any printable ASCII character can be
used. The link security key is case sensitive.