Commercial in Confidence
Copyright © 2021, all rights reserved by Exacom, Inc.
Appendix A - Configuring the Device
All changes to the device are contained in the Ears conf iguration f ile located at
“/opt/ears/config/ears.conf”. The comments in config_readme reiterate much of what is described in this
manual; however, this manual will f ocus on the most common conf iguration changes and describe their
f unctions.
Sections, and settings within sections, may appear in any order. Sections that are pre-requisites (e.g.
Header) are loaded f irst and the dependent Sections are loaded later, to ensure proper o peration.
All parameters that specify a default may be omitted or commented out if the default value is the
one required.
Please note that tilde (~) is a reserved character and has a special meaning; do not add it to the
configuration files.
About the document f ormatting:
Double f orward slashes are used to ef f ectively
“comment out” the remainder of a line making the
words f ollowing not applicable to the conf iguration data. For example,
“This is configuration data
// and this is comment data”.
Forward slash asterisk and asterisk f orward slash can be used to encompass entire passages
and ef f ectively comment out the text inside. For example,
“/* This is a comment */” indicates a
comment, no matter how many lines are between the start and end.
For changes to take ef f ect, be sure to save pending changes to the conf iguration f ile and then run
reload_ears inside /opt/ears/scripts using the command:
sudo ./reload_ears
If changes to the Network conf iguration are were made, the SSH connection may be lost. Additionally,
network changes may require a reboot, if the above reload does not change the settings.
Wireless Networking -
This section describes additional inf ormation required to conf igure wireless
connection, which is in two parts. One part manages the Wi-Fi radio link, described here, and the other
specifies network configuration, described below under “Global Settings”.
To conf igure the wireless radio:
sudo wpa_passphrase “your wlan ssid” “ssid password” >
2. Use your f avorite text editor to modif y /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Delete the line [
#psk=”ssid password”] so your wi-fi password isn’t exposed.
3. Make sure the wireless service is running:
sudo systemctl start wpa_supplicant
This only need be done one time f or a given Ears and wireless network. The system will automatically
enable and disable Wi-Fi as needed based on the network conf iguration as described below.
This functionality only exists if the WiFi addon for the Ears unit has been purchased.