3. Description
DEPOLOX® Pool Compact
Possible error conditions:
Initial value not reached (display: “T = > 8h")
When Auto tune has started and the
dosing system has closed or the dosing
pump has switched off, the measuring
amplifier waits until the actual value has
dropped below the initial value (0.2 x the
measurement range value). This delay is
indicated by “2: X = 20 %" on the display
and must not exceed 8 hours.
Loop dead time too long (display: “Tu = > 1h")
The value determined by the time measu-
rement between start-up of the dosing
system, switch-on of the dosing pump and
the rise of the actual value must not
exceed 1 hour. This measured time is
displayed by “6: Tu!” on the display.
Loop rise time too long (display: “Ts = > 8h")
The time required by the control loop to
increase the actual value to 50 % of the
measuring range at a 100 % dosing rate of
the dosing system or the dosing pump.
This measurement is indicated with “9:
Ts!” on the display and must not take
more than 4 hours.
Determination of the control parameters
with known Tu and Ts times
If the loop times Tu and Ts are already known
or if these cannot be determined automati-
cally due to specific system conditions, the
loop times can be entered in the “Tu” and “Ts”
menus. When Tu or Ts are saved, the control
parameters Xp and Tn are also calculated and
entered in the menus.
3.5.7 Safety functions
The electronics module is equipped with vari-
ous integrated safety functions to ensure sys-
tem safety and minimize the risk of accidents.
The following safety functions are integrated:
feed lockout activated if the circulation
fails and/or if the dosing tank signals that
it is empty and also if the sample water
supply fails (depending on the configura-
tion of the digital inputs)
Maximum dosing time monitoring and
the feed time delay (configurable)
Alarms freely configurable
External STOP for all controllers (depen-
ding on the configuration of the digital
“Positioner closed” function in the event
of a power failure (only if actuator has
external power supply)
If the pH value deviates too greatly from
the pH setpoint, Cl
feed lockout switches
chlorine dosing off
Password protection with three levels
Safety MAN. mode
stops dosing with sample water stop or
external stop
Sample water monitoring
The sample water monitoring must be che-
cked regularly. Without automatic detection
of a shortage of sample water or an excessi-
vely low flow rate, there is a risk of uncontrol-
led dosing of chemicals. The sample water
monitoring deactivates dosing if there is a
shortage of sample water and prevents the
uncontrolled dosing of chemicals.
Risk of injury or death!
If there is a shortage of sample water or the
flow rate is too low, there is a risk of uncon-
trolled dosing of chemicals. To ensure safe
operation and prevent injury, the sample
water monitoring must never be disabled.
Never disable the sample water monitoring -
even temporarily, e.g. by bridging the signal