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A P P L I C A T I O N / S I Z I N G

I N S T A L L A T I O N   T I P S

O P E R A T I O N   T I P S

7NE Cartridge

Problem solving and special application cartridge

7NE Replacement Cartridge: EV9607-02

7NE Replacement Cartridge: EV9607-02

Neutralizing cartridge for acidic water conditions

Elevates pH in water

Reduces acidic corrosion

Used on water wth pH between 5.6 and 6.5

Protects equipment

Install vertically with cartridge hanging down

Allow 2-1/2” clearance below the cartridge for

easy cartridge replacement

Flush  cartridge by running water through filter

for three minutes at full flow

Follow with submicron precoat filtration

Change cartridges on a regular 6 month

preventative maintenance program

Change cartridges when pH drops below 6.8

Always flush the filter cartridge at time of

installation and cartridge change

Problem solving and special application cartridge

for extraordinary water conditions

Capacity: Varies according to degree of acidity

and alkalinity of water

