degrees then the operation will be interrupted and
“000mA” icon will be shown on display. The process will
resume when the battery’s temperature drops to 40
degrees Celsius or the charger’s internal circuitry
temperature drops below 50 degrees.
Operation modes and display readings.
Charge mode
– inserted batteries will be charged
automatically with the (pre)selected charging current.
Stage 1. Charging.
Various information can be read by pressing “Display” button – time of
operation, charging current, voltage level, charged capacity in mAh/Ah.
Stage 2. End of charging process, trickle charge is applied
to maintain full charge of the inserted batteries.
Icon “Full” will be shown on display. Pressing “Display” button will show
various information – time, trickle charging current, voltage level, charged
capacity in mAh/Ah - please note it’s not the same value as battery’s
rated capacity.