Thanks for purchasing the Link SDIY kit from Evaton Technologies! Link is a
module that is useful for bridging two Eurorack cases together, or for making a
large number of interconnects between two di
erent areas in a single large
Eurorack synthesizer. Link is a passive interconnection module that passes up
to 18 control voltage, audio, or gate signals to another connected Link module,
over a standard HDMI connection cable. Because Link is completely passive,
signals are bidirectional; signals can pass in either direction.
Skill Level
The Link SDIY kit requires basic soldering skills to complete. While all of the
surface-mount components come pre-installed, all remaining components are
standard thru-hole components. These instructions assume you already know
how to solder.
Soldering irons are
! Be careful not to touch the business end of your
soldering iron at any time. Also note that components that have been soldered
will remain hot for a few moments. If you need to hold something to solder it, it
is recommended
to use your fingers. Wear long pants and long sleeves to
avoid solder splash from burning exposed skin.
Tools Required
A few basic electronic assembly tools are needed to complete the assembly
of the circuit board.
Soldering iron
. Minimum 25 watt pencil iron; preferred temperature-
controlled, but not necessary.
Assembly Manual
Revision A
200 School St
Pittsburgh, PA 15220-2718