VIPER Technical Manual
Power and power management
© 2007 Eurotech Ltd Issue E
Processor power management
The power manager in the PXA255 offers the ability to disable the clocks to the
different internal peripherals. By default, all clocks are enabled after reset. To reduce
power consumption disable the clocks for any unused peripherals.
The clock speed of the processor core, PXbus (the internal bus connecting the
microprocessor core and the other blocks of the PXA255), LCD and SDRAM can also
be changed to achieve a balance between performance and power consumption. For
more details on the internal power manager please see the PXA255 Developer’s
Manual on the Development Kit CD.
To adjust the core voltage, write the values shown in the following table to the LTC1659
DAC. When changing the core voltage it is important to ensure that the internal CPU
clock is set to the correct voltage range. The CPU core supply must be set to a defined
range for a particular clock. Please refer to the LTC1659 datasheet, Clocks and Power
Manager section in the PXA255 Applications Processors Developer's Manual and
Power Consumption Specifications section in the PXA255 Processor Electrical,
Mechanical and Thermal Specification on the Development Kit CD.
DAC Data Hex value
CPU core voltage
Not recommended to set the VCORE above
1.3V as the power consumption will increase
for no performance benefit.
Typical VCORE for peak voltage range at
400MHz operation.
Maximum VCORE for medium voltage range
at 200MHz operation.
Typical VCORE for high voltage range at
300MHz operation.
Typical VCORE for low voltage and medium
voltage range, suitable for 100MHz to 200MHz
When the microprocessor is in sleep mode, the CPU core voltage is
When changing between CPU core voltages it is important to adjust the DAC
Data in steps of no greater than 0x100 at a time.