Instruction Manual ZHK
2.3.3 ATEX AHUs
If instructions differ, the ATEX-specific instructions must be given priority. In addition to the actions
mentioned here, the instructions according to
have to be observed.
General safety indications
Hazardous areas must be rated on the frequency and duration of the occurrence of hazardous ex-
plosive atmospheres (gas / air or steam / air mixtures and / or dust / air mixtures). This is described
in Directive 1999/92/EC. Because of this zoning an adapt AHU must be used. The relationship be-
tween zones and category as per
Table 22 (chapter 11.3 (Supplementary notes on AHU de-
ATEX AHUs may not be used near:
High frequency sources (e.g. transmitter systems)
Strong light sources (e.g. laser beam systems)
Ionizing radiation sources (e.g. X-ray machine)
Ultrasound sources (e.g. ultrasound echo testing equipment)
Safety indications for operation
The following instructions must be observed urgently for the safe operation of ATEX AHUs:
Operating conditions in accordance to the intended use.
In the immediate environment of the AHU there should be no substances ac-
cording to EN 1127-1:2019-10, which are prone to spontaneous combustion,
such as pyrophoric substances.
Permanent and adequate ventilation of the installation room to prevent the
creation of an explosive atmosphere, which is caused by leakage.
Do not exceed 80 % of the maximum permitted speed of the fan, as it could
otherwise lead to sparking and damage.
Appropriate measures must be taken against all types of ignition sources that
are not specific to the AHU and are not included in the Euroclima scope of
Safety indications for maintenance and repair work
In addition to the safety instructions in
chapter 2.3 (Indications for minimizing specific hazards)
and in
chapter 2.5 (Staff selection and qualification)
, the following special safety instructions
must be observed:
Work may only be performed within a clean atmosphere with no risk of explo-
The formation of conditions, which could create a risk of explosion need to be
counteracted by adequate ventilation.
Also, if necessary, it could be required to flush the system with fresh air, in
order to remove or dilute any vapors or other air impurities, which could cause
an explosion risk.
When the system is at a standstill, the concentration of the atmosphere can
change and thus increase the risk of explosion. Therefore, all types of ignition
sources must be avoided during maintenance. If necessary, it might be re-
quired to carry out an assessment or air monitoring with a gas detector before
starting work and during work.
Work may only be carried out in areas where there are no ignition sources. It
is particularly important to ensure that all work equipment is approved for the
corresponding area (see EN 1127-1 appendix A and TRBS 2152).
Use only suitable tools according to EN 1127-1:2019-10 to prevent sparking.
Perform work only with conductive footwear (according to BGR 132) in order
to avoid electrostatic charging.
Содержание ZHK