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Why Choose Etymotic?
In-Ear: Invented Here
Etymotic has the undisputed distinction of being the first
company to develop and patent in-ear noise-isolating, high
fidelity earphones. Etymotic invented in-ear earphone
technology 25 years ago.
World’s Highest Noise Isolation
Etymotic’s earphones have the highest noise isolation of
all earphones, as measured by an independent
laboratory accredited by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. Passive isolation of Etymotic
earphones provides twice the sound isolation of the most
well known active noise-canceling headphones.
In-Ears that Seal are Safest
Published research on 100 subjects using sealed and
non-sealed earphones indicates that over 80% chose the
lowest (safest) listening levels when using Etymotic
noise-isolating earphones. No need to turn up the volume
when noise is blocked out naturally.
Sound Quality is Best
True high-fidelity sound reproduction requires the
reproduced sound to be as close as possible to the sound
of a live performance. Etymotic is the only company that
publishes accuracy scores on their earphones, which have
the highest response accuracy of all in-ear earphones and
Etymotic means true-to-the-ea
Etymotic Research is at its core, an R&D company. Etymotic
is engineering driven, led by founder Dr. Mead Killion, an
audiologist, engineer, inventor and jazz musician. Audio
engineers, musicians and audiologists working together
have generated over 100 patents issued and pending.
Etymotic’s mission continues to be designing products that
measure, protect and enhance hearing, and improving the
listening experience of music lovers everywhere.
for comprehensive research
reports, educational materials, a library of published audio
articles and product specifications.
Consumer Products
(for smaller
ear canals)
• Music and speech are heard clearly
• All sound is reduced evenly by 20 dB
• Available in two sizes: standard and small
• Fatigue from noise is reduced
• Reusable
High Fidelity
You know your music.
Etymotic knows your ears.