MD-649 User Manual
17) Heart-beat interval in seconds
Configure heart-beat interval in
seconds. Heart-beat timeout is 3
times of heart-beat interval.
18) Baud rate bps(9600)
Configure baud rate on serial port
when transferring data.
19) Data bits [5/6/7/8] (8)
Configure data bits on serial port
when transferring data.
20) Parity checking[N/E/O/M/S] (N) Configure parity checking bit on
serial port when transferring data.
N: No checking, E: Even checking,
O: Odd checking, M: Mark checking,
S: Space checking.
21) Stopping bit[1/1.5/2] (1)
Configure stopping bit on serial port
when transferring data
22) Serial port type[232/485] (232) Configure serial port type when
transferring data, 232 by default.
23) Debugging mode[Y/N] (N)
Configure whether DTU is running in
debugging mode. It will output
debugging mode, but DTU cannot
transfer data in debugging mode.
Check signal quality[Y/N] (N)
Configure whether to check signal
quality where DTU is located. It can
only work properly with good or
better signal quality.
Table 2-1: Details of configuration parameters
Restore to Default
According to the description of "Configuring MD-649", after
entering MD-649 configuration interface, the first item is "Restore
to default" option, input "Y" and press Enter, then the configuration
will be restored to default.