Soft cloth (e.g. glasses cloth), moistened by clean, antirust and
dehumidified lubricant (e.g. WD-40), instead of corrosive agent or
rough issues shall be used to gently rub down the Tester
● In case that continuing use will cause safety hazard due to the
performance of the Tester itself, stop using it and mothball it at
once, then leave it to authorized organization for handling.
● It is suggested to test the insulating strength for this Tester at
least one time a year.( AC100kV/rms, section between the fifth
knot of insulating rod)
Major difference between ETCR9500 and
ETCR9500B is ETCR9500B obtains more
functions of phase detection and polar
detection. Other functions and specifications
are the same with ETCR9500.
II Introduction
Wireless HV Current Transformation Ratio
breaks through the traditional structure, specializing in
on-line measurement of high-voltage current transformer in service
under 60KV, primary and secondary current of transformers,
transformation ratio, and leakage current(ETCR9500
also with
phase, polar, ratio difference, angle difference Indication). It
consists of high voltage detector, low-voltage secondary current
clamp, main engine, high-voltage insulation rods. The wireless
transmission signal is able to penetrate obstacles, such as walls of
buildings. The signal’s linear transmission distance is about 30m.