M520 series oscilloscope with rollmode
User’s Guide
Fig. 4.1.1. – Oscilloscope screen
The oscilloscope screen is divided into 8 vertical divisions. The number of
horizontal divisions depends on the size of the application window and the screen
There are three kinds of marks displayed on the screen.
- If the buffer overflow occurs, and some data are lost, data loss is marked by red
vertical line. This line marks the loose of data continuity.
- The device settings change is marked by read vertical line.
- If the data acquisition is blocked by ARM conditions, the data discontinuity is
marked by olive green vertical line.
The waveforms are displayed in the colors selected for each channel. The
default colors are: green for channel A and yellow for channel B.
TIP: The channel colors can be changed in main menu.
4.2. Grid controls
The cursors and grid controls are located in the left part of the main window.
Fig. 4.2.1. – Grid controls
“Grid” – switches the grid on/off
The scrollbar – adjusts grid brightness
TIP: The grid color can be changed in main menu.
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