Final Installation and Operation
LED Indicators
D4 Driver 350 and 700 wall-mount and rack-mount, standard and emergency models have
LED indicators. The Status LED will blink or stay solid for short periods during normal operation.
See the table below for LED behavior.
Power LED
On: power is present
Off: power is not present
EM Active
models only)
On: D4 Driver has lost its normal sense input and is currently in emergency
override state - all output channels are on at 100%.
PSU 1 Fault
D4 Driver 700 and D4 Emergency Driver 700 only
On: power supply 1 has a fault. Contact ETC Technical Services for assistance.
PSU 2 Fault
D4 Driver 700 and D4 Emergency Driver 700 only
On: power supply 2 has a fault. Contact ETC Technical Services for assistance.
Slow Flash (wireless operation): normal operation. DMX broadcast is being
received and DMX data is not changing.
Solid On (wireless operation): active DMX signal is being received
Solid On (wired DMX): DMX is present
Steady blinking: processor is operating normally
Solid On: system is responding to DMX instruction
Solid On when no DMX command is being sent: there is a processor fault.
Contact ETC Technical Services for assistance.
Channel OK
Solid On with no Channel Limit LEDs lit: channel is outputting normally
Off: main power to D4 Driver is off.
Steady blinking, alternating with Channel Limit LED: channel output exceeded
the trip limit. Loads will flash. See
Overload Protection on the next page
Contact ETC Technical Services for assistance.
Limit LEDs
Solid on: channel output exceeded the warning limit. See
. Contact ETC Technical Services for assistance.
Steady blinking, alternating with Channel OK LED: channel output exceeded
the trip limit.Loads will flash.See
Overload Protection on the next page
Contact ETC Technical Services for assistance.
For more information about warning and trip behavior, see