Functional Description
User Guide
“Advanced” Mode
The “Advanced” operating mode provides a number of other possibilities.
The 100
Mbit/s Block ETK protocol results in increased ETK interface perfor
mance. The most important advantages in comparison to the “Compatibility”
operating mode are:
• 16 rates for measuring
• the possibility to configure the number of variables per measure rate
CAN Interface (CAN1/CAN3, CAN2/CAN4)
The ES593.1-D has four CAN interfaces. One each of the CAN interfaces is
routed to the two 8-pin CAN1/CAN3 and CAN2/CAN4 connectors (Lemo
socket) on the front panel.
CAN1 to CAN4 are complete independent CAN channels with separated con
nections and CAN controllers. The CAN interfaces produce a simple and direct
connection between the ES593.1-D and the CAN network.
The interfaces are galvanically isolated from each other and from the other
interfaces of the ES593.1-D.
Operating Modes
The CAN interfaces of the ES593.1-D can be operated in High-Speed CAN link
(ISO 11898-2).
You can find a list of CAN applications supported by the ES593.1-D in chapter
8.9.2 on
"Wake-Up" Function
The CAN interfaces CAN1 and CAN2 support the "Wake-Up" function (see chap
ter 5.7 on
„CAN Pre-Buffering“ Function (Buffering of CAN Frames)
The functions "Wake-Up" and "CAN Pre-Buffering" are supported by both CAN
interfaces CAN1 and CAN2. They enable the recording of CAN messages as of
approximately 100
ms after the CAN communication start.
If you want to record messages including a timestamp directly after the com
munication start on your CAN bus, as for example in cold start experiments, the
time the ES593.1-D requires for data receiving and processing after being
waked up by the CAN messages has to be bridged.
With the function "CAN Pre-Buffering" enabled, the ES593.1-D stores the CAN
messages received at the interfaces CAN1 and CAN2 in a buffer, until a ES720
Drive Recorder connected to the module starts the data recording.
The four interfaces CAN1 to CAN4 can be configured and used simultane
ously and independently of one another.