SunnyTent BV
Ladonkseweg 8a
5281 RN Boxtel
The Netherlands
Warning: Not suitable for
children under the age of 3; risk of entanglement / strangulati on and
trapped hands, feet, fi ngers and toes!
Warning: Risk of drowning. Do not let children play without supervision!
Warning: Keep away from fi re!
Warning: When using disinfectants for swimming water always follow the guidelines for safe
usage as indicated by the manufacturer / supplier of these products!
Warning: Always keep it suffi ciently venti lated! Do not play/stay in an enclosed SunnyTent.
Warning: Only let adults assemble the SunnyTent!
Warning: Pay att enti on so you do not step on the tent pegs or trip over the tent pegs!
Warning: Keep hands, fi ngers, feet and toes away from the anchors (with hinges)!
Warning: The SunnyTent is not an alternati ve for parent supervision.
Warning: The SunnyTent can be used as a tent over an inground trampoline. Please keep in mind
that the SunnyTent is not a safety net that prevents a person from falling of a trampoline. The Sunny-
Tent is only meant to keep the trampoline (and the people on it) dry, clean and pleasantly warm!
Warning: The SunnyTent can be used as a tent over a swimming pool. Keep in mind, that besides
9. In case you use the SunnyTent above your swimming pool, the placement of the so-called
skimmer requires att enti on. You should not place it at the open side of the tent, but as close
to the anchor sides as possible, to prevent the canvas / tent foil from getti ng stuck on the
skimmer when the SunnyTent is being opened / closed. Always anti cipate where the skimmer
would be best located to prevent damage to the canvas.
10. The fi rst rainfalls will create a
foam-like substance on top of the outside of the tent. This is an
anti -moisture wax layer on the canvas / foil. The fi rst shower of rain will wash the wax partly
from the tent. This will cause no further harm and will not last long. This type of wax is also used
on the inside of the tent to prevent condensati on on the canvas / foil. For example, splashing
water could also make the foam-like substance appear on the inside of the SunnyTent. This will
not cause any further harm.
11. As for the
maintenance / cleaning of your SunnyTent: never use cleaning products as these
products can cause damage to the sti tching that is used for keeping the canvas / foil parts
together. It is recommended to clean your SunnyTent by spraying cold clean water over the tent.
Do not use a hard jet, warm water, brushes or any other tools to prevent damage to the protecti ve
layer of the canvas / foil, which may cause accelerated wear and tear and destroys the anti -
condensati on layer.
1. The conditi ons of this warranty only apply to the fi rst owner. This warranty is non-transferable
and is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. Keep your original receipt; this has to be
presented with your claim. Without a receipt, there is no warranty.
2. In case a manufacturing error occurs within the period of 1 year, you can contact SunnyTent BV
via the website: www.sunnytent.com. SunnyTent BV will att end to the complaint and request
you to send the product for inspecti on. If your complaint is legiti mate and in compliance with
the manual/ instructi ons, the product will be repaired or replaced and returned, without
additi onal costs. In all other cases, reparati on or replacement costs will be charged to you.
3. Assumed warranti es are only limited to the conditi ons of this warranty. SunnyTent BV is in no
case liable towards the consumer or other parti es in case of direct or consequenti al loss or
4. The warranty does not apply if the SunnyTent has been subject to neglect, accident, improper
use, erroneous installment / assembly, failure to follow the manual or damaging conditi ons
outside of SunnyTent BV’s control, including but not limited to, regular wear and tear, fi re, fl ood,
(glazed) frost, snow or other forces of nature. In additi on, homemade / self-made adjustments to
the SunnyTent void the warranty.
5. Read the manual, installati on/assembly instructi ons, watch the instructi on video carefully and
follow all the instructi ons applicable to the assembly / installati on and use of your SunnyTent.
Always check the SunnyTent before and aft er use. If you fail to follow the guidelines, the
warranty is void.
SunnyTent – Circular
Size M, L and XL