A knowledge of BS5839: Pt 1: 2017: Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for Buildings is essential.
It is strongly recommended that a suitably qualified and competent person is consulted in connec on with
the Fire Alarm System design and that the en re system is commissioned in accordance with the current
na onal standards and specifica ons.
Equipment Warranty
The equipment carries no warranty unless the system is installed, commissioned and serviced in accordance
with the manual and the relevant standards by a suitably qualified and competent person or organisa on.
Repeater Panel, Remote Display Unit ( RDU)
The MAGDUO repeater panel is smaller than the MAGDUO
control panel.
It does not itself connect to or control detec on devices. Instead, it connects to a control panel and reports
events which occur on the control panel.
It can also perform system controls over the network (i.e. Silence Alarms, Reset, Sound Alarms & Silence
A maximum of 8 repeater panels can be connected to a single control panel.
The maximum cable length from the control panel to a repeater is 500 metres. If 8 repeaters are used they
must all be within the maximum 500 metres cable length.
All external connec ons are made on the back board. The Ext Switches on the back board are not currently
used and are for a future development.
Do not attempt to install this equipment until you have fully read and understood the manual
which can be found on our website
Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
Repeater Panel