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ESERA-Automation, E-Service GmbH 2019
Programming Manual Controller-Gateway-Station V1.0 R1.1
Page 52 of 77
SET,OWD,OUTA,OWD number,output voltage
example: SET,OWD,OUTA,1,1000
Example: SET,OWD,OUTA,1,1000 => OWD1,10,00V
16.18. Analog output 0-20mA, Art. No. 11219
For the ESERA-Automation analog output module 0-20mA the following data for the status of the analog value
are output. The following formatting is available as of firmware version 1.18_43.
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | analog value, example 1500 = 15mA
The output is set with the following command:
SET,OWD,OUTAMA,OWD number,output current
example: SET,OWDM,OUTAMA,1,1500
Example: SET,OWD,OUTAMA,1,1500 => OWD1,15,00mA
16.19. PWM output 10V, Art. No. 11225
For the ESERA-Automation PWM output module 10V, the following data are output for the status of the PWM
value in percent (0-100). The following formatting is available as of firmware version 1.18_43.
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | analog value, example 52 = 52%
The output is set with the following command:
Example: SET,OWD,OUTPWM,1,52 => OWD1,52%
16.20. Shutter module, Art. No. 11209 and 11231
For the ESERA-Automation shutter module, roller shutter module, the following data for the status of the output
are output. The status output remains even after stopping by the safety shutdown and thus reflects the status of
the roller shutter / blind. The following formatting is available as of firmware version 1.18_43.
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal value input
1_OWD1_2|00000001 => Controller No._module No. data record | binary display input
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal value output
1_OWD1_4|00000001 => Controller No._module No. data record | binary display output
The shutter module is set with the following command:
SET,OWD,SHT,OWD-Number,Command 1=Down, 2=Up, 3=Stop
Example: SET,OWD,SHT,1,1 => OWD1,Down
16.21. Dual dimmer, Art. No. 11221, 11222
For the ESERA-Automation dual dimmer, the following data is output for the push-button interface and the
dimmer outputs. The following formatting is available as of firmware version 1.18_54.
The 1-Wire interface of the dual dimmers is controlled by standard commands for the DS2408 module.
The 1-Wire interface can be used to read-back every keystroke as well as the dimmer values of the outputs.
The data for the push-button interface and the dimmer outputs are output as decimal values 0-254. For the
push-button interface, the data is additionally stored in a second data set binary with 0 and 1. Each individual
input of the push-button interface, as well as the dimmer values, have a value that is added up.
The dimmer values are interrogated alternately by the dual dimmer module per read cycle. This may cause
delays in updating if dimmer values have changed.
It can also occur that after changing a dimmer value via a 1-Wire interface, the new value is reported back very
quickly. However, the old dimmer value is output again for a short time. The reason for this is, that the first
feedback is sent by the 1-Wire controller. However, the former, still stored value, can be output briefly via the 1-
Wire interface until it is updated. This is not an error but rather occurs due to the time between the read cycles via
the 1-Wire bus.
Input push-button interface:
Push-button interface channel 1 = 1, push-button interface channel 2 = 2,
module button (manual operation) channel 1 = 4, module button (manual operation) channel 2 = 8,
value 16 - 128 no function (always 0).
Output dimmer:
The values of the dimmer outputs are output in the range from 0-31. 0=off, 31=bright
Data output: