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ESERA-Automation, E-Service GmbH 2019
Programming Manual Controller-Gateway-Station V1.0 R1.1
Page 51 of 77
16.13. Binary / Digital output dual, Art. No. 11233
The following data is output for the ESERA-Automation dual digital switching module.
For the ESERA-Automation dual digital output with push-button interface, the following data are output for the
status of the output relays and the digital inputs.
The output value is output as decimal value 0-3. Each output has a value that is summed up.
Push-button interface:
input 1 = 1, input 2 = 2
Relais output:
output 1 = 1, output 2 = 2
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal value input
1_OWD1_2|00000001 => Controller No._module No. data record | binary display input
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal value output
1_OWD1_4|00000011 => Controller No._module No. data record | binary display output
16.14. Binary / Digital output 8-fold, Art. No. 11229
The following data are output for the ESERA-Automation 8-fold digital output.
The output value is output as decimal value 0-254. Each output has a value that is summed up.
Output 1 = 1, output 2 = 2, output 3 = 4, output 4 = 8, output 5 = 16, output 6 = 32, output 7 = 64, output 8 = 128.
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal value
1_OWD1_2|00000111 => Controller No._module No. data record | binary display of decimal value
16.15. Binary/Digital output 8-fold with push-button interface, Art. No. 11228 and 11220
The following data for the status of the output relays and the digital inputs are output for the ESERA-Automation
8-fold digital output with push-button interface.
The output value is output as decimal value 0-254. Each output has a value that is summed up.
The following formatting is available as of firmware version 1.18_38.
Input push-button interface:
Input 1 = 1, Input 2 = 2, Input 3 = 4, Input 4 = 8, Input 5 = 16, Input 6 = 32, Input 7 = 64,
Input 8 = 128.
Relay output:
Output 1 = 1, output 2 = 2, output 3 = 4, output 4 = 8, output 5 = 16, output 6 = 32, output 7 = 64, output 8 = 128.
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal value input, example: input 1
1_OWD1_2|00000001 => Controller No._module No. data record | binary display input
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal value output, example:
1_OWD1_4|00000011 => Controller No._module No. data record | binary display output
16.16. Binary/Digital output 8-fold, Art. No. 11229
For the ESERA-Automation 8-fold digital output, the following data for the status of the output relays are output.
The output value is output as decimal value 0-254. Each output has a value that is summed up.
The following formatting is available as of firmware version 1.18_38.
Relay output
Output 1 = 1, output 2 = 2, output 3 = 4, output 4 = 8, output 5 = 16, output 6 = 32, output 7 = 64, output 8 = 128.
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | no output, fix 0
1_OWD1_2|00000010 => Controller No._module No. data record | no output, fix 0
=> Controller No._module No. data record | decimal output
1_OWD1_4|00000011 => Controller No._module No. data record | Binary display output
16.17. Analog output 0-10V, Art. No. 11208
For the ESERA-Automation analog output module 0-10V, the following data for the status of the analog value are
output. The following formatting is available as of firmware version 1.18_43.
Data output:
=> Controller No._module No. data record | analog value, example 1000 = 10,00V
The output is set with the following command: