Quick Start Guide for
TESLA 4000 Power System Recorder
In our ongoing efforts to run our business in an environmentally sensitive way, we are encouraging
the use of PDF manuals and software downloads, available from our website. For your convenience,
links are provided below to all software files to be downloaded.
If you do wish to have a hard copy manual or software on CD, you may request those from our
Customer Support team (contact info below).
If you are reading a hard copy of this document, download the soft copy (includes links) from
our website
’s Support/Documents page, in the Quick Start Guide column.
1. Downloading the required software and manual
a. The TESLA 4000 comes loaded with the requested firmware version. All required
software, as well as the release description of the latest firmware version, is available on
of our website. Contact Customer Support team for release
descriptions of any other firmware version.
b. Download the following software on your computer:
c. Install the TESLA Control Panel
d. Install the USB driver
e. Install Null Modem (refer to Section 3 in the User Manual)
Download the
. Other documents such as Drawings are also available
on the
2. Hardware and operating system requirements
Minimum hardware requirements:
1 GHz processor
20 GB available hard disk space
USB port
Serial communication port