Installation & Operation Manual
Proven Quality since 1892
ECON check valves Fig. 2630-2631
Rev. 0
1. ERIKS operating companies
2. Product description
3. Requirements for maintenance staff
4. Transport and storage
5. Function
6. Application
7. Installation
8. Maintenance
9. Service and repair
10. Troubleshooting
11. Removal
1. ERIKS operating companies
ECON ball check valves are being delivered by several ERIKS operating companies on a
worldwide basis. In this manual these will be referred to as ‘ERIKS’, the individual terms of
delivery of the ERIKS operating company having executed the order are applicable.
2. Product description
The ECON ball check valves are designed according to the information in our latest catalogue or
see our website
and should be used in accordance with the applicable pressure-
temperature rating as stated on this website. ECON ball check valves are provided with casted
markings according to EN 19. The marking makes the identification of the valve easier and
size (DN)
pressure rating class
body material marking
arrow, indicating the medium flow direction
ECON logo
3. Requirements for maintenance staff
The staff assigned to assembly, operating and maintenance tasks should be qualified to carry out
such jobs and in any circumstance, ensure personal safety
4. Transport and storage
Transport and storage should always the valve should be protected against external forces,
influence and destruction of the painting layer as well. The purpose of the painting layer is to
protect the valve against rust, during transport and storage. The valves should be stored in an
unpolluted space and should also be protected against all atmospheric circumstances. There
should be taken care of the temperature and humidity in the room, in order to prevent condensate
5. Function
ECON ball check valves are designed for the prevention of flow reversal. The operation of the
valve is fully automatic allowing liquid to flow in one direction only. The flowing medium presses
against the ball, thereby push them open. The ball check valve can be installed horizontal and
vertical (upward flow).
6. Application
ECON ball check valves use primarily in water purification stations, sewage treatment
installations, water supply facilities, pumping stations, etc. Application: for clean, waste and
sewage water and viscous media. The operation of the valve is fully automatic allowing liquid to
flow in one direction only. The installation designer is responsible for the check valve selection,
suitable for the working conditions. The valves are unsuitable, without written permission of an
ERIKS company, to apply for hazardous media as referred into Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.