Online Services
Online Services
Imagine that you hear about a new service that your network operator is
offering. You call your operator, explain that you want to subscribe to the
service and suddenly, within seconds, you have a new menu in your phone
that instantly lets you use the new service.
You do not need upgraded software for your phone, but you may need to visit
your network operator to get a new SIM card. The rest is all taken care of over
the air.
This is just one example of the added value services that are made possible
through the ‘Online Services’.
The T28z does not support all services offered by the Online Services.
The Online Services is the network operators’ way of offering customized
services, independently of mobile phones and mobile phone manufacturers.
Added value services based on the Online Services require two things in order
to work:
a mobile phone that supports the Online Services. Your Ericsson T28z is
such a phone.
a network operator offering the Online Services.
The Online Services on the SIM are designed and run by network
operators and not by mobile phone manufacturers. If you require further
information about the Online Services, please contact your network operator.
What is Online Services?