Marconi OMS 1200
Technical Product Description
221 02-ZAP 701 25/1 Rev C 2006-08-04
© Ericsson AB 2006
Commercial in confidence
95 (136)
The Signal Degrade fault type works on BIP bit equivalent binary error ratio
calculations (e.g. ratio 10e-6). The USE fault type works on the crossing of a
threshold of consecutive severely errored seconds. These are calculated for
each VC-path by the VC- bearing SDH interface unit.
Degraded path performance is based on Consecutive Degraded Seconds
(CDEGS). This means that separate configurable thresholds are required for
SES (performance monitoring) and DEGS (events handling).
You can configure the Signal Degrade fault type to work on BIP BERs, or
SNC protection switching can also be based on long-term error performance
monitoring statistics from 15min/24hour performance reporting by the SMAs.
This form of switching criteria is determined externally, and input by operator
Multiplexer Controller Restoration
If the Multiplexer Controller has been removed, when it is replaced it interrogates the
other Core Card in the system for the current settings of protection to ensure the
states are not changed
Operator Entered Commands
The SNC protection switching mechanism also receives operator inputs. An operator
enters these commands via the LCT or NMI.
For each operator-entered event a brief description of the required system behaviour
is given below. The names of the commands are those that are specified for use on
the Local terminal. In the bi-directional mode of operation, the command is sent to the
other end of the path using the POH bytes.
These states are stored and used to restore the equipment to its previous state in the
case of loss of power.
The protection state of the selected channel is displayed by the element manager.
Forced Switch to Worker
Causes traffic to switch to, or be maintained on, the designated working channel. This
command has a higher priority than locally detected failures on the working channel
and therefore traffic remains on the working channel regardless of any failure
indications on this channel.
Forced Switch to Protection
Causes traffic to switch to, or be maintained on, the designated protection channel.
The command has a higher priority than locally detected failures on the protection
channel and therefore traffic remains on the protection channel regardless of any
failure indications on this channel.