Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved
1531-BDV 113 08 Uen
Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible
Handling of PBAs
Service personnel shall always connect themselves to ground to prevent damage caused by static discharges.
Board position numbering
Placing of boards
The cabinet BDV 113 08 is prepared for arbitrary furnishing of boards belonging to the ASB15002 system but certain
constraints should be considered for best performance results. The cabinet 0 is to be equipped as follows:
Pos. 0
Reserved for CPU-D_
Pos. 1-8
Available for arbitrary PBA configuration like IC-CU_, IC-LU, ELU-_,VMU-D, AUX_, BTU-_ and REG.
Pos. 8
VMU-HD thermal considerations regarding the hard disk require this position. If any other position has to
be chosen then the board in the next right hand position should be one of the following: AUX_, REG,
BTU-D or free space.
Note: It is advisable to use a maximum of two BTU-Ds in one PBX. Not applicable if used as REG board.
Arbitrary board configuration on positions 1, 2 - 56. The Integrated Cordless system should be installed within one
cabinet furnished with a PUB5 or higher. This leaves room for a maximum of 7 IC-LUs. RASC cannot detect IC-LU
boards installed in the system so it is advisable to locate these boards to the right of the IC-CU_ board. IC-LU boards
can be removed and replaced without needing to shut down the exchange. All boards except the CPU-D_ can be ex-
changed under power provided that the board is replaced by a board of the same type and configuration. New boards
Boards with Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD) are marked with a
Some of the benefits of
ESD protection are:
-less failures/service calls
-lower maintenance costs
-higher customer satisfaction
Use portable equipment as
e.g. LYA 30101
protection against
electrostatic discharges
In the interest of quality and reliability of the system boards always handle static sensitive boards with
special care. Always use a wrist strap connected to a low resistance ground e.g. provided on the cabinet.
0 1 2 3 8
16 17 18 19 24
48 49 50 51 56
Cabinet 0 (1*) Cabinet 1 (2*) Cabinet 2 (4*)
= Flat ribbon cable 591 685/2
Note the slot numbering for entire PBX
The values in brackets define the cabinet numbering
for Integrated Cordless as used by the Cordless
System Manager.
Board position numbering for:
the basic unit:
0,1 --- 8.
first additional unit:
16,17 --- 24.
last additional unit:
48,49 --- 56.