How to Stabilize the Flow
The damping acts as a filter for a stable reading. If ‘0’ is entered in window M40, that means
there is no damping. A bigger number brings a more stable effect. But bigger damping
numbers will prevent the instrument from acting quickly. Numbers 0 to 10 are commonly used
for the damping value.
How to Use the Low Flow Cutoff Function
The number displayed in window M41 is called the low flow-cutoff value. The flow meter will
replace these flow rate values that are absolutely less than the low-cutoff value with ‘0’. This
means the flow meter will avoid any invalid accumulation when the actual flow is below the
low flow-cutoff value.
The low flow-cutoff value does not affect the flow measurement when the actual flow is
absolutely greater than the low flow-cutoff value.
How to Setup Zero Point
It is necessary to establish the true zero flow condition and program that set zero point into the
instrument. If the zero set point is not at true zero flow, a measurement difference may occur.
Because every flow meter installation is slightly different and sound waves can travel in
slightly different ways through these various installations, a provision is made in this entry to
establish “True Zero” flow – SETUP ZERO.
There exists a ‘Zero Point’ with certain installation which means the flow meter will display a
non-zero value when the flow is absolutely stopped. In this case, setting a zero point with the
function in window M42 will bring a more accurate measurement result. When do a
calibration test, it is also very important.
Make sure that the pipe is full of liquid and the flow is absolutely stopped - securely close any
valves and allow time for any settling to occur. Then run the function in window M42 by press
keys, then press
ENTER key and wait until the counter readings
displayed in the top right corner of the screen goes to “00”; thus, the zero set is completed and
the instrument indicates the results automatically through Window No.01. Repeat zero set
calibration if it still needs to be minimized, i.e. the velocity reading is still high.
How to Use Scale Factor
Scale factor refers to the ratio between “actual value” and “reading value”. For instance, when
the measurement is 2.00, and it is indicated 1.98 on the instrument, the scale factor reading is
2/1.98. This means that the scale factor is 1.01.
The scale factor default is “1”or a factory calibration value (see the calibration data sheet for
every meter) for each instrument prior to shipment from the factory. The scale factor entered