Net Heat totalizer
01 03 00 10 00 02 C5 CE
Heat flow rate per second
01 03 00 12 00 02 64 0E
Percentage of Analog Output
01 03 00 14 00 02 84 0F
T1 input value (Temperature)
01 03 00 16 00 02 25 CF
T2 input value (Temperature)
01 03 00 18 00 02 44 0C
Meter address
01 03 00 1A 00 02 E5 CC
Electronic Serial Number
01 03 00 1C 00 02 05 CD
Returning data frame
Bytes Length of Returning
Data Section
CRC Code
Meter Address: One byte, expressed in Hex, the value in Menu 46. For example, M46
shows 22, the meter address is 0x16.
Function Code: One byte. 03, read data from registers.
Bytes Length of Returning Data Section: One byte, expressed in Hex. For example, read
data from Flow rate per day to Net totalizer, return bytes length is 0x20.
Return data Section: Four bytes for per data, expressed in Hex, and high bit is before low
bit. For example, read Flow rate per hour, and the flow rate is 100m3/h, then return data
section is “42 C8 00 00”.
CRC Code: Two bytes, expressed in Hex, and high bit is before low bit.
Data Storage Function
Menu Setup
In M60, it is setup of date and time for meter, the date format is YY-MM-DD, and the time
format is HH-MM-SS.
In M50, select the Logger Option “ON”.
In M51, set the Start time, Interval time and Go On time.
The Start time should be later than the time in M60, or set the Start time as:
Start **:**:**
means logging data right now)
The Interval time should be more than 2s, and less than 15minutes.
The Go On time means that the duration of logging data. If the Go On time is larger than 24
Hours, set the Go On time as
Go On **:**:**
(“*” is input by the key
M51 Logger Setup
Date 12-01-14
Logger Options
Start **:**:**
Time 15:16:46
Intervl 00:00:05
Go On **:**:**