QXFXO4/QXISDN4/QXE1T1/QXFXS24; (SW Version 6.0.x)
QXFXO4/QXISDN4/QXE1T1/QXFXS24 Manual II: Administrator’s Guide
If this service is used, ensure that there is port forwarding configured for SMTP (port 25) to the internal e-mail server.
easyDNS Partner
text field is used for
a special parameter required by the DynDNS provider easyDNS.
Selecting the
Create Custom HTTP GET Request
radio button will switch to the custom settings of the DynDNS service. Normally, the DynDNS provider
uses HTTP get requests to map dynamic IP addresses to host names. If the HTTP receive request is known to you, choose the
Create Custom HTTP GET
radio button and enter the appropriate value into the
text field.
The selection enables the following optional settings:
text field requires the complete request to be sent to the DynDNS server. Normally it has the following format:
The request modifies the nameserver database so that the hostname will be resolved to the new IP address.
Basic Authentication
checkbox enables the encoding of the username and password entered in the text fields above, and then uses the
method to notify the provider about the user authentication settings.
Most of the DynDNS providers require an authentication for security. Authentication parameters can be provided in the
text field to be used for the
HTTP get request. The
Basic Authentication
checkbox can be selected if no authentication parameters to be provided.
PPP/ PPTP Settings
PPP/PPTP Settings
page is
used to establish a connection over the DSL link, or any other type of uplink, to the ISP. A connection is needed to set up
and make or receive calls through PPP over Ethernet. The connection may be configured for manual setup or always up. Once a connection has been
established between the QX gateway and the provider, QX gateway users will be able to make and receive calls at any time.
PPP/PPTP Settings
page offers the following components:
PPTP Server
text fields are only enabled when QX gateway is running with the PPTP interface and require the IP address of the PPTP server.
drop down list is only enabled when QX gateway is running with the PPTP interface and it is used to select the encryption for the traffic
over the PPTP interface.
Authentication Settings
require the Username and Password used for the authentication on the ISP server.
Dial Behavior
radio buttons enables the following selections:
Dial Manually
- if this radio button is activated, a button
will be displayed in the main management window that
serves to switch the Internet connection on/off. When
accessing the Internet, every station of the connected LAN
has to connect to QX gateway first.
Always connected
- QX gateway stays in the always
connected mode. This will allow always being online in the
IP Address Assignment
radio buttons are used to define the IP
address assignment for the PPP interface with the following
Dynamic IP Address
– the IP address to the PPP interface
will be assigned dynamically by the DHCP server.
Fixed IP Address
– the fixed user defined IP address will be
assigned to the PPP interface.
Keep Connection alive
checkbox enables keeping the
connection alive by sending control packets dedicated for the link
state verification.
Fig.II- 138: PPP/PPTP Settings page
Advanced PPP Settings
Advanced PPP Settings
page is used to enable/disable certain parts of the negotiation process during connection establishment. These settings are
available only if QX IP PBX has a PPPoE WAN interface.
Disabling any of the services below may cause problems when establishing a connection including the complete connection failure. The default
settings should be changed only if the ISP (Internet Service Provider) specifically requires it or if the peer system has problems with one of the services
listed below. More information about these services can be found at:The
Advanced PPP Settings
page offers the following group of checkboxes:
Enable automatic PPP restart at
checkbox is used to select the time when the PPP connection will automatically be restarted. The checkbox selection
LCP echo failures
text field that indicates the number of the LCP echo failure packets received before the PPP connection will be considered as
dead and will be restarted.