QXFXO4/QXISDN4/QXE1T1/QXFXS24; (SW Version 6.0.x)
QXFXO4/QXISDN4/QXE1T1/QXFXS24 Manual II: Administrator’s Guide
Change Password
page is used to change the user’s
New Password
field requires a new password for
the Extension. The Password field is checked against
its strength and you may see how strong is your
inserted password right below that field.
Reentering the new password in the
Confirm New
field will confirm the new password. The
password can consist of numeric values only.
Fig.II- 210: Change Password page for extension access
Please Note:
Up to twenty (0-20) digits are allowed. A corresponding warning appears if any other symbols are inserted. It is highly recommended to
define a proper and non-empty password on this page if the extension is being used for the Call Relay service from the QX’s Auto Attendant.
Basic Services
Basic Services
page (available only for QXFXS24 gateway) allows you to configure the basic telephony features of QXFXS24 gateway, such as Call
Waiting service.
Basic Services
page consists of two frames. The left frame lists all services. When you click on a service, its corresponding settings will be displayed in
the right frame.
Please Note:
Remember to save changes before moving between the service configuration pages.
General Settings
General Settings
page consists of the following component:
Call Waiting
Call Waiting
is used to receive an incoming call when you are
currently on a call. The caller will hear a ringing tone and the QX
gateway user will hear a special beeping on the telephone when
the call arrives. For analog phones, to switch between the current
call and the new incoming call, use the appropriate calling code.
For IP phones to switch between the current call and the new
incoming call, use the corresponding
(for more details refer to the “
Epygi IP PBX Features on Epygi
Supported IP phones
” document on the Epygi’s Web portal).
Enable Call Waiting Service
activates this service and makes it
available for the phone handset.
Fig.II- 211: Basic Services – General Settings page