Quadro4Li Manual II: Administrator's Guide
Administrator’s Menus
Quadro4Li; (SW Version 5.3.x)
- the date the voice mail was received.
To insert the predefined tag to the subject line, you should
simply click on the corresponding tag. The following format
should be maintained to create a flexible subject:
Voice mail received from $[VM_DISPNAME]
In this example, all email subjects will contain a static text
"Voice mail received from" following by the display name of
the caller and the date voice mail is received.
FAX to E-mail format
drop down list is used to define the
format of the FAX document received in the voice mail and to
be attached to the email, in case user has enabled
Send new
voice messages via e-mail
option from his personal
Mail Settings
. TIFF or PDF formats may be selected here.
Fig. II-175: Voice Mail Coming Settings page
Dial Plan Settings
Dial Plan Settings
page is used to adjust the dialing
timeout setting.
Routing Dial Timeout
setting specifies a period of time
after the last dialed digit that the system identifies as a
completion of dialing. If the user does not press any key
within the specified timeout, the system assumes that the
dialing is complete and starts calling the dialed number. Only
predefined values included in the drop-down list can be used
for this setting.
Fig. II-176: Dial Plan Settings page
Routing Dial Timeout
setting will also be applied to all the supported IP phones that are auto-configured with the Quadro and provide the
possibility of changing this setting through the auto-configuration file. The modified value of the setting will take effect after rebooting the IP phones.
3PCC Settings
3PCC Settings
page is used to adjust the third party call
controlling settings. 3PCC service on the Quadro allows call
controlling applications to remotely initiate and handle calls on
the Quadro and to subscribe for certain event notifications
from the Quadro.
This page consists of the following components:
Secure Connection
checkbox is used enable a secure
encrypted connection between the call controlling application
and the Quadro.
Fig. II-177: 3PCC Settings page
Please Note:
For successful connection, this option should be set up in the same way on both sides (enabled or disabled on both sides).
Request Timeout
text field requires the timeout (in seconds) during which the Quadro should receive a response to the request from the call
controlling application. If the response is not received during this timeout, Quadro will perform a request dependent default action. For example, if the
call controlling application is configured to handle incoming calls on the Quadro. Once the incoming call occurs, Quadro is trying to transfer the call to
the call controlling application. If the call controlling application does not response within the mentioned timeout, Quadro will answer the call or
perform an action configured for unanswered incoming calls. This setting is dependent on the network conditions therefore consult with your network
administrator before changing the default value.
The read-only
Feature Key
text field indicates whether the feature key for the 3PCC Support is installed on the system. The system will not accept
connections from 3PCC applications if no key is found. The 3PCC support is an optional feature and can be activated with a feature key from the
The read-only
WAN Port
text field indicates whether there is a filtering rule specified for the
. If a third-party call control
application connects to the Quadro from the WAN interface, a filtering rule for the corresponding host should be created on the
page to allow the application a remote access. Creating a filtering rule is not required if the firewall is not setup on the Quadro. The field shows
if there is at least one enabled filtering rule for the
Key System Emulation
The Key System Emulation is a widely used service in legacy PBXs simplifying the direct connection to the available PSTN lines. On the Quadro, the
usage of Key System Emulation services is limited to the IP phones attached to the Quadro through the available IP lines and provides direct