Drive designator
The letter name of a disk drive, followed by a colon-for
example, C : .
Enhanced Graphics Adapter. A type of display adapter card
that allows you to display high-resolution graphics on an EGA
monitor. It can display up to 43 lines of text with 80 characters
on each line, or it can display monochrome or X-color graphics
at resolutions up to 640 x 350.
Expanded memory
Memory that specially-written MS-DOS programs can use
when an expanded memory manager program maps that
memory into an accessible area. See also
LIM EMS 4.0.
Extended memory
Memory above 1MB that is accessed by the 386 or 486
microprocessors when they are operating in protected or
virtual mode. This memory is available to OS/2 programs, but
is available to MS-DOS only if an extended memory manager
program is installed. See also Expanded memory and OS/2
A suffix of up to three characters which you can add to a
filename to identify its contents or purpose. Some programs
automatically create an extension for a filename when you
create a file using the program.
Glossary 9