Document condition
Check that your document is clean and in good condition
before you load it in the automatic document feeder. Make sure
of the following:
The ink on the document is dry.
The document has no holes or cut-out areas in it, and is not
ripped or wrinkled.
The document has no staples, paper clips, or other
materials attached to it. These may damage the feeder
The document has no folds closer than 0.31 inches (8 mm)
from its edges.
The document is not a multipart form and is not bound,
such as in a book or magazine.
The document has no rear carbon coating.
Other precautions
Do not feed photographs or valuable original artwork into the
automatic document feeder; if a document is misfed, it may
become wrinkled or damaged.
When you scan high-quality color or halftone documents, it is
best to open the automatic document feeder and scan each
document individually.