Getting Started
R4C3610 Adm/G
Rev. C
A5 size
Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
KOW M.Arai K.Nishi
K. Nishi
Initializing the Interface Card
You must initialize the interface card in the following cases:
The first time you turn on the printer after installing the
interface card
When you install the interface card in another printer
When the utility does not recognize the interface card because
of settings conflicts in the interface card
Follow these steps to initialize the interface card.
1. Make sure that the printer with the interface card is turned off.
2. Hold down the status sheet button for five seconds while
turning the printer on.
3. When the red and green status lights on the interface card
flash simultaneously, you can release the status sheet button.
The lights indicate that the interface card is being initialized.
Initialization is complete when the status lights stop flashing.
Status sheet button