Displays help information about the option
currently selected
Reverses the color of the screen
Automatically changes ail settings to their
original values before changes were made
Automatically changes ail settings to their BIOS
default values
Save the current values and exit
Automatically Configuring Your System
You can use the
DEFAULTS option to automatically configure your system to
the default settings. When you select this option, the program
asks you to confirm that you want to load the defaults.
Saving Your Selections
The changes you make in the Setup program are temporary
until you save them. This is important to remember in case you
change any settings by mistake and want to return to your
previous settings.
Whenever you want to save your new settings, select the
WRITE TO CMOS AND EXIT option. The program asks you
to confirm that you want to save the new settings and exit.
a n d
. The system restarts with the new
configuration settings.
5-4 Running Setup