Setting Up the Scanner
Rev. C
A5 size
Pass 3
Proof Sign-off:
tanto name
SEI Y.Takasaki M.Fujimori
leader name M.Fujimori
editor name
SEI M.Kauppi
When the scanner is ready, the fluorescent lamp will also stay on,
but the scanner will turn off the fluorescent lamp if it does not receive
any commands from computer within 14 minutes.
Connecting the Scanner (SCSI) to Your Computer
For instructions on connecting your SCSI model scanner to your
computer, read this section.
For PC users:
Unless your PC already has a SCSI board installed, you need to
install the one that comes with your scanner, along with SCSI
driver software. Install the SCSI board according to the directions
included with it. Also see “Installing a SCSI Interface Board” on
page 2-4.
If your PC has a SCSI board up and running, connect the scanner
as described in the next section.
You will need to install the SCSI driver that is normally included
with Windows 95, 98, or NT (see your system documentation for
instructions), or the driver described in the SCSI board installation
You can update the SCSI driver already installed on your system
by installing EZ-SCSI included in your Scanner Software CD-
ROM. Refer to the readme file for EZ-SCSI for further information.